Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Motor Behavior, University of Urmia

2 Professor of Motor Behavior, University of Tabriz


The purpose of this study was to investigate effect of a cognitive secondary task on gaze behaviors and decision- making of football players. The participants of this research were 24 skilled (n=12) and novice (n=12) football players with an age range of 19 to 25 years. skilled and novice players watched 30 images of various attack situation that should have selected their correct answer (Shoot, Pass and Dribble). The players performed the task once with a cognitive secondary task and once without a cognitive secondary task. The participant’s gaze behaviors, speed and accuracy of decision-making collected continuously by using eye tracking and decision-making software. The results of 2*2 ANOVA showed that decision making speed and accuracy in two groups with the cognitive secondary task had a significant decrease compared the single task. The number and duration of fixation in two groups with the cognitive secondary task had a significant decrease compared single task. In general, it can be stated that the importance of perceptual skill in sports such as soccer should be emphasized to sensitize ever-changing situations and effective training methods need to be applied.


Main Subjects

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