This journal was renamed from “Research in Sports Sciences” to Technical journal of “Motor Behavior” and was granted with a with scientific research grant in 2010/8/28 with letter number 89/3/11/14359 of Journals Commission in Iran Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. This journal is indexed with respect to Certification number 1656/m on 2007/10/10 of Science and Technology Regional Library in ISC. Furthermore, the journal prompted to have Impact Factor (IF) in this database through Certification Number 1/22140/t on 2010/3/3.
The journal of Motor Behavior is published as a quarterly giving the priority of evaluation, review and publication to the articles entailing innovation, topical and conceptual relationship with the professional field.
According to Inspection Commission of Local Journals and legislations of Institute Board, 200 thousand Tomans must be paid for the acceptance of articles received on 2016, February 20 and thereafter. This price is solely for allocation of DOI code, edition, layout, and publication costs.
The journal is abided to international regulations of academic misuse including data manipulation, distortion, plagiarism, etc. Every kind doubtful performance in review process with be treated according to COPE.
Sports Sciences Institute has the full right for all the published articles, while providing the right of access for the public at any cost in the website of the journal according to publication regulations with free access to all articles.
Names and emails of authors are confidential in the website and are solely used in journals of the Institute and would not be accessible for any other person or organization.