Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of the present study was to determine the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the questionnaire TOPS-2.For this purpose, 621 athletes (male: 285 and Female: 336) with skill various levels (Novice, Elite and None-elite) in 10 team and individual sports, were selected to complete the questionnaire, randomly. The first, correctness of translation and face validity confirmed by 3 sports psychology expert and 1 English language specialist via translation-back translation method.For determining the construct validity, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with maximum likelihood estimation was used. Results of factor analysis showed that first model had favorable fit in practice dimension. Also, the results indicated good model fit for competition. However, a more detailed examination of the factor loadings were showed that 64 and 56 questions had values 0.11 and 0.27 respectively, and these values are lower than acceptable criteria (0.3). So, these questions were deleted in the second model. The second model similar to the first model had adequate overall fit and factor loading in none of the questions were not below standard criteria we examined the third model with eliminating the distraction subscale along with deleting of 56 questionnaires from automaticity subscales. The results showed a proper fit compared to the two previous models. Also, X2 difference test indicated that this fit was significantly suitable rather than the other models. Moreover, internal consistency and reliability attained with Cranach's alpha and ICC was acceptable.


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