Document Type : Research Paper



This study has been conducted to draw the effect of warm and cold colors on depth perception in athletes. This method is a semi experimental and the sample was 72 athletes with average of 22.88± 1.98 years who were selected through available sampling Participants have been evaluated three times in each color by depth, color and shape perception apparatus. The average of these three times tests was used as depth perception scores of people in that color. Results of dependent t test showed that there are significant differences between the warm and cold colors in ball games (P=0.016, df=35, t=-2.54). But there was no significant difference between the warm and cold colors in no ball games (P>0.05). The result showed that in yellow background, athlete's depth perception in ball games in warm color was better than cold colors. The reason of this object maybe was that colors in orange-green- yellow spectrum have most receptors in retina. And also cold colors have more refraction than longer wavelengths. Moreover another reason that has been improved depth perception maybe was practice in perceptual skills in ball games.


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