Document Type : Research Paper


1 shahid beheshti university, physical education institute

2 shahid beheshti university

3 null

4 Motor Behavior, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University


The aim of this study was investigated the effects of quiet eye training on accuracy and quiet eye duration of expert players in three point shot under pressure. The participants were eighteen expert players (age: 20- 30 years old) that voluntary participated in study and assigned randomly in quiet training and control group. All groups participated in video feedback session and three on court shot training (5 *25 in per session) and the quiet eye training group received gaze control instructions through training sessions, Accuracy, QE and kinematics characteristic recorded during pre, retention and pressure test. In order to captured related variables used eye tracking(SMI), motion analysis system, I view ETG 2.7, Cortex 2.5 software and for analyzing raw data used Be gaze 3.7 software and used MATLAB software by coding to synchronized gaze and kinematic data to calculated quiet eye duration in every trials. The results showed the quiet eye training group had longer quiet eye duration and better performance in posttest and pressure test than control group. It seems three point shot with different requirements such as distance and high speed could benefit from quiet eye training and could affects players with high level of performance.


Main Subjects

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