Document Type : Research Paper



The Present study aimed at constructing and determining pcycometric properties of the sport success scale (SSS). After utilizing the broad theoretical foundation and experts opinion, the initial draft consisting of 38 questions was administered on 305 (205 men and 100 women) elite athletes which were selected via cluster random sampling. The Principal Components Analysis and Varimax Normalized Rotation was applied for measuring structural validity. Ultimately, 29 questions, which had positive correlation with all questions and had a minimum loading higher than 0.35 on a single factor, were selected. Factor analysis defined 6 factors includes components (Flow state, Attention, Technique, Sensitivity to error, Commitment, Achievement) which encompassed 67.68% of the total variability of the data. The measure of scale reliability with using internal consistency (.89) and test-retest reliability after a 21 day interval (0/90) showed that the SSS possessed suitable reliability coefficients. All together, results of the present study showed that the SSS had satisfactory reliability and validity and it is considered a suitable tool for measuring sport achievement.


Main Subjects

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