Document Type : Research Paper


1 faculty of semnan university

2 Assistant Professor at School of Physical Education and Sport Sciences University of Hakim Sabzevari

3 MA in Semnan University


The aim of this study was investigating the role of feedback to successful and unsuccessful trials in focus of internal and external attention on performance and learning long badminton service. 44 female students were volunteered with a mean age of 16/1±./76 as sample for this study. After performing the test subjects were randomly divided into four experimental groups. All groups did during 6 acquisition phases according to the planning instructions long service badminton task. Before performing service group’s focus of internal attention repeated through self-talk “the pull back” phrase and group’s focus of external attention, “target” word. The subjects received knowledge of performance feedback after every 3 trails tailored to with their groups, after successful or unsuccessful trials. 48 hours after the acquisition phase was performed retention and transfer tests. Data were analyzed using Factorial Repeated Measures ANOVA in the acquisition phase and two-way analysis of variance (p≤ 0.05) in the retention and transfer tests. The results showed that the progression was significant during the acquisition phase, the interaction effect the focus of attention with the type of feedback both the acquisition phase and retention and transfer tests. So that, in internal focus of attention condition, the group of feedback to unsuccessful trails and in the external focus of attention conditions, the group of feedback to successful trails had better learn. it is suggested that during the teaching motor skills and the use of feedback to successful and unsuccessful trails, the focus of attention is also to be considered.


Main Subjects

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