Document Type : Research Paper


Depth Perception (DP) plays an important role in many of the motor skills such as badminton and striking that deal with estimation and moving objects. Also, different colors according to the features of the human visual system create difference DP. Based on, the aim of the present research was to investigate the effect of ball’s color on female student’s DP in fatigue conditions. Population of present research consist of all girls of physical education college from university of Tehran (the first semester 89-90) who was select badminton unit and among them 39 student (Mean age=21) participated voluntarily. First DP test was taken then divided into 3 homogenous groups selectively. All groups play badminton. After ensuring of being fatigue (their DP was measured and after this stage athletes were divided to one control group (with white ball) and two experimental group (with phosphoric and blue ball) and play badminton again. Finally, their DP was measured for third time after playing and reaching to fatigue. Repeated Measure ANOVA (RMA) and One-way ANOVA used for investigating and analysis of data, (P<0/05). Findings of present research showed that although there was no significant difference in error of DP between groups but phosphoric color makes significant reduction in errors of athletes’ DP. Hence, by considering that fatigue abatement DP, we suggest that coaches of badminton can use shuttles with warm color in final part of their class for decrement of DP error and amplification appropriate performance of athletes.  
