Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this research was to examine the combination effect of action observation, motor imagery and physical training differences methods on stability of in-phase and anti-phase movements. The statistical sample included 64 girl students in physical education field with age range of 20-28 years old. Subjects were divided randomly in four experimental groups (action observation-physical training, physical training-motor imagery, action observation-motor imagery and physical training) based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The training protocol was consisted 3 stages such as pre-training (pre-test), training and Execution (post-test) Stages. Results showed that the action observation– physical training combination group in both in-phase and anti-phase movements has better performance than other groups (P<0.001). Furthermore, the physical training – motor imagery combination group has better performance than physical training and action observation- motor imagery combination groups (P<0.05). Based on present research results could be recommended to coaches that used the action observation– physical training combination method for learning of these motor skills types.


Main Subjects

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