Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. of Motor Behavior, Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran

2 Associated Professor of Motor Behavior, Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran


The aim of the current study was to examine the effect of the basketball net's height and skill level on the emergence of especial skill in basketball free throwing. To do this, ten experts (23±2.58) and ten less-expert (21.90±2.18) basketball players was taking 150 shots from five different distances from the basket including the free throw line. Players took their shots in the raised, standard and lowered basketball net's height. Two groups of the experts and less-experts threw 150 set shots in the raised, standard and lowered basketball net's height. The data was analysed based on Bayesian analysis applying a generalization model. The results reveal that the vision noise parameter in the model is quite constant (K vision=0.03). Also, the especial skill parameter showed the presence of the especial skill only in the experts when basketball net height was standard (a= 0.13). Whereas, the especial skill parameter showed no especial skill by the change of the basketball net's height in the experts. Furthermore, no especial skill was seen in the less-expert. These results proposed that besides the massive amount of practice, visual context information play critical role in the emergence of the especial skill and supported visual- context hypothesis.



Main Subjects

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