Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor in Motor Behavior, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

2 Master in Sport Management, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj. Iran


Recently, considerable attention has been paid to evaluate the tactical knowledge and behavior in soccer schools. But, efficiency or inefficiency of the verbal/nonverbal protocols remain to be addressed. To address this question, current study aimed to evaluate the relationship of verbal tactical knowledge with tactical behavior and technical skills with taking level of experience into account. 36 soccer players (18 experienced with Mage=15.33±0.48; 18 unexperienced with Mage=15.5±0.51) performed the battery of soccer skills. First, they completed tactical skills inventory for sport, then tactical behaviors during 3×3 with a goalkeeper small sided games in a 30×40 meters’ pitch were videotaped, and finally, evaluated through game performance assessment by two expert raters. Results showed significant differences in pass, dribble as well as decision making, skill execution and support indices of tactical behavior (p=0.00), but, no significant difference were observed in offensive and defensive tactical knowledge (p=0.23,0.56, respectively) between two groups. For all players, tactical knowledge with tactical behavior and technical skills had no significant relationship (p>0.05), but, for the experienced players attacking tactical knowledge and support index significantly were related (p=0.01). These findings confirm inefficiency of verbal methods to evaluate the tactical knowledge in soccer schools and introduce the level of experience as an important factor to make relationship between tactical knowledge and behavior.


Main Subjects

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