Abdoshahi, maryam
Comparing Intra-Limb Coordination of Dart Throwing in Skilled and Novice Throwers: A Kinematic Study [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 171-192]
Aghababa, alireza
Psychometric properties of Persian version of the Perceived Physical Literacy Instrument (PPLI) [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 161-186]
Aghdasi, MohammadTagi
The Effect of Virtual Reality Training on Motor Imagery Capability of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 39-64]
Ahmadi, Nassour
The effects of quiet eye training on accuracy and quiet eye duration on basketball three- point shot in expert players [Volume 14, Issue 48, 2022, Pages 17-42]
Alizadeh, Leily
The effect of Game Sense on improvement of basketball executive skills and non-practiced tasks performance in children with developmental coordination disorder [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 71-98]
Amiri, Shahrokh
The Effect of Virtual Reality Training on Motor Imagery Capability of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 39-64]
Arsalan Yasin, Narges
The effect of type and time of emotional induction and night sleep on consolidation and reconsolidation mechanisms of motor memory [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 115-138]
Bagherzadeh, Fazlollah
The Effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation program On Balance and Gait in Man Schizophrenia patients with Depression Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 65-90]
Bahram, Abbas
The Effect of Manipulation Task Constraints in SSG on Team Interactions and Technical Performance of Players in Competitive Football Game: Application of Social Network Theory in Performance Analysis [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 187-212]
Borhani Dizaji, Narges
Effect of Solitary and Group Purposeful-Movement Plays on Visual-Motor Skills in Girls Aged Eight Years [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 59-86]
Dehghanizade, Jalal
The Effect of Sports vision training and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on short-term visual memory and recognition memory of Volleyball Players [Volume 14, Issue 48, 2022, Pages 161-184]
Ebrahimisani, Soghra
The Effect of Virtual Reality Training on Motor Imagery Capability of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 39-64]
Ebrahimzadeh, Fatemeh
Exploring the Effective Components in Enhancing the Physical Activity of Pupils in the Open Spaces of Primary Schools from the Perspective of Architects, Principals and their Deputies [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 39-70]
Fatahi, sima
The relationship between the affordance of home environment with motor and social development among Children 7-10 Years old: A Function of Ecological Theory [Volume 14, Issue 48, 2022, Pages 137-160]
Ghasemi, Abdollah
The Relationship between Mother's Emotional Intelligence and Motor Development of Children: Structure Modeling with Intermediation of Mother's Physical Activity [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 17-38]
Ghorbani, Saeed
Comparing Intra-Limb Coordination of Dart Throwing in Skilled and Novice Throwers: A Kinematic Study [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 171-192]
Ghorbanzadeh, Behrouz
The effect of Game Sense on improvement of basketball executive skills and non-practiced tasks performance in children with developmental coordination disorder [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 71-98]
Hosseini, Fatemeh Sadat
The Effect of Sports vision training and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on short-term visual memory and recognition memory of Volleyball Players [Volume 14, Issue 48, 2022, Pages 161-184]
Hosseiny, Sayyed Hossein
The Effects of Skin Conductance Biofeedback on Elite Shooters’ Performance [Volume 14, Issue 48, 2022, Pages 109-136]
Khajavi, Daryoush
The Effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation program On Balance and Gait in Man Schizophrenia patients with Depression Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 65-90]
Khanmohamadi, Razieh
The Effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation program On Balance and Gait in Man Schizophrenia patients with Depression Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 65-90]
Khezri, Abdorrahman
The relative age effect in attending in the highest level of sport and winning medals in Iranian taekwondo athletes [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 165-186]
Letafatkar, Amir
The effect of six weeks of linear pedagogy on the kinematics pattern of walking in 3-5 years old children [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 37-58]
Makki, Rezvaneh
Comparing Intra-Limb Coordination of Dart Throwing in Skilled and Novice Throwers: A Kinematic Study [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 171-192]
Mansouri, Maryam
Comparison the effect of Instructional and Motivational Self-Talk on Performance and Learning of Handball Skills [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 87-112]
Mehdizadeh saradj, Fatemeh
Exploring the Effective Components in Enhancing the Physical Activity of Pupils in the Open Spaces of Primary Schools from the Perspective of Architects, Principals and their Deputies [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 39-70]
Meshkati, Zohreh
Psychometrics of the Persian version of the Learning, Executive and Attention Functional Scale (LEAF) in Athletes [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 99-142]
Mohammadi, Fatemeh
Effect of motor imagery and action observation combination on learning of Badminton high serve in different age group with emphasis on role of mirror neuron [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 113-138]
Mohammadzade, Hassan
Effect of Time Constraints on Quiet Eye and Performance in basketball players [Volume 14, Issue 48, 2022, Pages 43-62]
Molanorouzi, Keyvan
The Relationship between Mother's Emotional Intelligence and Motor Development of Children: Structure Modeling with Intermediation of Mother's Physical Activity [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 17-38]
Moradi, Jalil
Psychometric properties of Persian version of the Perceived Physical Literacy Instrument (PPLI) [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 161-186]
Namazi zadeh, Mahdi
The Effect of Aerobic Activity with Low and Moderate Intensity on Executive Functions and Selective Attention in Children with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) [Volume 14, Issue 48, 2022, Pages 63-82]
Nayeri, Majid
The relative age effect in attending in the highest level of sport and winning medals in Iranian taekwondo athletes [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 165-186]
Norouzian-Maleki, Saeid
Exploring the Effective Components in Enhancing the Physical Activity of Pupils in the Open Spaces of Primary Schools from the Perspective of Architects, Principals and their Deputies [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 39-70]
Parvinpour, shahab
Effect of Solitary and Group Purposeful-Movement Plays on Visual-Motor Skills in Girls Aged Eight Years [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 59-86]
Pashabadi, Ali
The relative age effect in attending in the highest level of sport and winning medals in Iranian taekwondo athletes [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 165-186]
RafeiBoroujeni, Mehdi
Effect of motor imagery and action observation combination on learning of Badminton high serve in different age group with emphasis on role of mirror neuron [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 113-138]
Rasoli, Atiyeh
The Effect of Aerobic Activity with Low and Moderate Intensity on Executive Functions and Selective Attention in Children with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) [Volume 14, Issue 48, 2022, Pages 63-82]
Sadeghi, Hassan
The effect of six weeks of linear pedagogy on the kinematics pattern of walking in 3-5 years old children [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 37-58]
Sadeghi, Reza
Psychometrics of the Persian version of the Learning, Executive and Attention Functional Scale (LEAF) in Athletes [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 99-142]
Safavi Hamami, Shila
Effect of optimizing performance through enhanced expectancies, autonomy support, and external attentional focus on learning a motor skill in children. [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 17-38]
Sanjari, Mohammad Ali
The effect of action-sentence compatibility on postural sway [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 143-160]
Shams, Amir
The Effect of Aerobic Activity with Low and Moderate Intensity on Executive Functions and Selective Attention in Children with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) [Volume 14, Issue 48, 2022, Pages 63-82]
Sharifnezhad, Ali
The Effect of Manipulation Task Constraints in SSG on Team Interactions and Technical Performance of Players in Competitive Football Game: Application of Social Network Theory in Performance Analysis [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 187-212]
Sohrabi, Mahdi
The Effect of Virtual Reality Training on Motor Imagery Capability of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 39-64]
Soltani, Mostafa
The relative age effect in attending in the highest level of sport and winning medals in Iranian taekwondo athletes [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 165-186]
Taheri Torbati, Hamid Reza
The Effect of Virtual Reality Training on Motor Imagery Capability of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 39-64]
VaezMousavi, Mohammad
The Relationship between Mother's Emotional Intelligence and Motor Development of Children: Structure Modeling with Intermediation of Mother's Physical Activity [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 17-38]
VaezMousavi, Mohammad
The Effects of Skin Conductance Biofeedback on Elite Shooters’ Performance [Volume 14, Issue 48, 2022, Pages 109-136]
Yaali, Rasoul
The effect of six weeks of linear pedagogy on the kinematics pattern of walking in 3-5 years old children [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 37-58]