Abani Arani, Masoomeh
The Effect of Selected Rainbow Parachute Games on Motor and Social Development of Pre-school Children [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 189-204]
Abbasi, Shahla
The Effectiveness of Sensorimotor Integration in Improving Motor Skills in Students with Learning Disabilities [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 105-118]
Abdoli, Behrooz
Effect of increasing the distance of an external focus of attention on performance and kinematic of horizontal jump in skilled athletes [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 65-78]
Abdoli, Behrooz
Effect of Observing Different Kinds of Information during Observational Learning [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 17-38]
Abdoli, Behrouz
The Effect of the Second Task Complexity in Difference Time Interval on the First Task Reaction Time Based on Psychology Refractory Period Paradigm [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 103-120]
Abdoli, Behrouz
Perception-to-Action Transfer: The Role of Audiovisual Integration [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 35-46]
Abootalebian, Somayeh
The effect of visual stimuli training on choice reaction time in male taekwondo players [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 79-96]
Aghdai, Mahin
The Effect of Functional Training on the Number of Movement Units of Reaching to Objects with Different Shapes and Sizes in a 6-year-old Girl with Down Syndrome [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 137-152]
Aghdasi, Mohammad Taghi
Cognition, Balance and Gait in Elderly with Dementia: a Motor Cognitive Approach to Reducing Risk of Falling [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 73-94]
Amirkhani, Marziyeh
The Effect of Delacato Sensorimotor Training on Dysgraphia of 9 to 11-year-old Female Students [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 89-104]
Amooheidari, Alireza
Effects of Different Variations of Physical Practice and Mental Imagery on Shoulder Joint Degree of Freedom (range of motion) of Women with Breast Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy Post Radical Mastectomy [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 153-172]
Ansari, Omid
The Effect of External Attentional Focus Instructions on Learning Tracking Task under Auditory Secondary Task Condition [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 73-88]
Arazeshi, Negar
Comparing Exercise Effects Regarding Learning In-Phase and Anti-Phase Movement Coordination in Arm and Legs [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 153-172]
Ashtari, Mohammadreza
The effect of training in water with and without Dolphin on gross motor skills of 8 years old children with autism spectrum disorder [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 171-184]
Attarzadeh Fadaki, Samaneh
Psychometric Properties of Persian Shortened Version of the Falls Efficacy Scale-International in People with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 83-102]
Azari, Mansoureh
Psychometric properties and normalization of Persian version of the young experience survey in sport [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 111-142]
Badami, Rokhsareh
The effect of visual stimuli training on choice reaction time in male taekwondo players [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 79-96]
Baghaiyan, Masoomeh
The Effects of Sensory Modalities of Mental Imagery on Learning Lay-up Shot in Basketball [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 173-188]
Bahram, Abbas
The effect of focus of attention via verbal instructions on quickness of elite athletes [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 39-52]
Bazooband, Somayeh
The Effects of Instructions Attention Focus Internal and External on Learning Protection Dynamic Balance in Children with Mental Retardation [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 95-110]
Behpoor, Naser
Cognition, Balance and Gait in Elderly with Dementia: a Motor Cognitive Approach to Reducing Risk of Falling [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 73-94]
Chardah Cherik, Majid
The Effect & Survival of Core Stability Short Term Training on Static & Dynamic Balance in Children with delay in development of Balance [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 53-72]
Doostan, Mohammad Reza
The effect of change in different characteristics in movements of two hands on transfer of asymmetrical bimanual movement to its converse pattern [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 133-152]
Enferadi Doughabadi, Azam
The effect of a period balance training and cognitive combination on postural sway women with multiple sclerosis [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 143-156]
Eskandarnejad, Mahta
Effect of a Course of Basketball Training Program on ADHD Children’s Sustained Attention [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 139-152]
Estiri, Zahra
The Effect of Analogy, Explicit, and Combination Learning on Acquisition, Retention, and Transfer of Complex Motor Skill [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 119-136]
Farookhi, Ahmad
The Effect of Dual Task, Single Task, and Combined Task on Older Adults’ Gait, with or without the Experience of Falling [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 61-82]
Farrokhi, Ahmad
The effect of training in water with and without Dolphin on gross motor skills of 8 years old children with autism spectrum disorder [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 171-184]
Farsi, Alireza
Effect of increasing the distance of an external focus of attention on performance and kinematic of horizontal jump in skilled athletes [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 65-78]
Farsi, Alireza
Effect of Observing Different Kinds of Information during Observational Learning [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 17-38]
Farsi, Alireza
The Effect of the Second Task Complexity in Difference Time Interval on the First Task Reaction Time Based on Psychology Refractory Period Paradigm [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 103-120]
Farsi, Ali Reza
Perception-to-Action Transfer: The Role of Audiovisual Integration [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 35-46]
Fazeli, Davoud
Effect of Observing Different Kinds of Information during Observational Learning [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 17-38]
Fazeli, Davoud
Comparing of Two Methods of Practice for Emerging Motor Flexibility in Basketball Free Throw Skill [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 17-28]
Fazeli, Davoud
The Effect of Task Constraint on Learning of Movement Pattern and Parameter during Observational Learning [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 17-34]
Ghadiri, Farhad
The effect of focus of attention via verbal instructions on quickness of elite athletes [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 39-52]
Ghafari, Bahram
The Effect of Selected Rainbow Parachute Games on Motor and Social Development of Pre-school Children [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 189-204]
Ghasemi, Abdollah
The Effect of Selected Rainbow Parachute Games on Motor and Social Development of Pre-school Children [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 189-204]
Ghasemi, Abdollah
Comparing Exercise Effects Regarding Learning In-Phase and Anti-Phase Movement Coordination in Arm and Legs [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 153-172]
Gholami, Amin
The Effect of Selected Rainbow Parachute Games on Motor and Social Development of Pre-school Children [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 189-204]
Gol Mohammadi, Behrooz
Psychometric Properties of Persian Shortened Version of the Falls Efficacy Scale-International in People with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 83-102]
Habibian Dehkordi, Morteza
The Effect & Survival of Core Stability Short Term Training on Static & Dynamic Balance in Children with delay in development of Balance [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 53-72]
Hashemi, Somayeh
The Effects of Observational and Physical Practices on Electromyography Characteristics of Main Active Muscles in Badminton High Serve [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 173-187]
Hatami, Farzaneh
The Effects of Sensory Modalities of Mental Imagery on Learning Lay-up Shot in Basketball [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 173-188]
Heirani, Ali
Cognition, Balance and Gait in Elderly with Dementia: a Motor Cognitive Approach to Reducing Risk of Falling [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 73-94]
Hosseinzadeh Asl, Fatemeh
Comparing the Effectiveness of Various Cognitive-Motor Interventions on Dynamic Balance of Elderly Women [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 47-72]
Jafari, Simin
The Effect of Skill level and Conditions’ Predictability on Taekwondo Players’ Timing [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 47-60]
Kashani, Valiallah
Psychometric properties and normalization of Persian version of the young experience survey in sport [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 111-142]
Kashani, Valiollah
Psychometric Properties of Persian Shortened Version of the Falls Efficacy Scale-International in People with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 83-102]
Kashani, Valiollah
The Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the Sport Imagery Questionnaire for Children (SIQ-C) [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 153-172]
Kashi, Ali
Consideration to different view of abilities: The effect of generic versus non-generic feedback on motor learning of mentally disabled children [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 15-32]
Kavyani, Maryam
The Effect of the Second Task Complexity in Difference Time Interval on the First Task Reaction Time Based on Psychology Refractory Period Paradigm [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 103-120]
Khajavi, Darush
Validity and Reliability of Farsi Translated of "Exercise Dependence Scale-Revised" [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 111-132]
Khalaji, Maryam
The Effect of Functional Training on the Number of Movement Units of Reaching to Objects with Different Shapes and Sizes in a 6-year-old Girl with Down Syndrome [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 137-152]
Lotfi, Gholamreza
The effect of balance & strength exercise training on static balance and isometric strength in girl students with mental retardation [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 33-48]
Mehrabian, Ghobad
Validity and Reliability of Farsi Translated of "Exercise Dependence Scale-Revised" [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 111-132]
Mobayen, Farzin
Effect of a Course of Basketball Training Program on ADHD Children’s Sustained Attention [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 139-152]
Mokaberian, Mansooreh
The Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the Sport Imagery Questionnaire for Children (SIQ-C) [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 153-172]
Mokaberian, Monireh
The Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the Sport Imagery Questionnaire for Children (SIQ-C) [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 153-172]
Mokammeli Jahromi, Mina
The Effect of Analogy, Explicit, and Combination Learning on Acquisition, Retention, and Transfer of Complex Motor Skill [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 119-136]
Moradi, Nahid
The Effect of Task Constraint on Learning of Movement Pattern and Parameter during Observational Learning [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 17-34]
Movahedi, Ahmadreza
Effects of Different Variations of Physical Practice and Mental Imagery on Shoulder Joint Degree of Freedom (range of motion) of Women with Breast Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy Post Radical Mastectomy [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 153-172]
Movahedi, Ahmadreza
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Aaerobic Versus Pilates Training on Cognitive Function of Elderly Females [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 29-46]
Movahedi, Ahmadreza
The Effect of Delacato Sensorimotor Training on Dysgraphia of 9 to 11-year-old Female Students [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 89-104]
Naghavi alhoseini, Jalal
The effect of balance & strength exercise training on static balance and isometric strength in girl students with mental retardation [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 33-48]
Naghdi, Naser
The effect of training in water with and without Dolphin on gross motor skills of 8 years old children with autism spectrum disorder [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 171-184]
Naghdi, Naser
The effect of change in different characteristics in movements of two hands on transfer of asymmetrical bimanual movement to its converse pattern [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 133-152]
Namazi Zade, Mahdi
Comparing Exercise Effects Regarding Learning In-Phase and Anti-Phase Movement Coordination in Arm and Legs [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 153-172]
Namazi Zadeh, Mahdi
The effect of training in water with and without Dolphin on gross motor skills of 8 years old children with autism spectrum disorder [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 171-184]
Namazi Zadeh, Mehdi
The effect of change in different characteristics in movements of two hands on transfer of asymmetrical bimanual movement to its converse pattern [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 133-152]
Nazari, Mohammad ali
The Effect of Skill level and Conditions’ Predictability on Taekwondo Players’ Timing [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 47-60]
Nezakat alhoseini, Maryam
The effect of visual stimuli training on choice reaction time in male taekwondo players [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 79-96]
Nik khah, Karim
The effect of a period balance training and cognitive combination on postural sway women with multiple sclerosis [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 143-156]
Noori, Reza
The Effect of Dual Task, Single Task, and Combined Task on Older Adults’ Gait, with or without the Experience of Falling [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 61-82]
Pooraghaei Ardakani, Zahra
The effect of fatigue due to different intensities of exercise on coincidence-anticipation timing performance with intra trial variation [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 157-170]
PoorEghbali, Sogand
Comparing of Two Methods of Practice for Emerging Motor Flexibility in Basketball Free Throw Skill [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 17-28]
Pour Morad Kohan, Parisa
The Effects of Sensory Modalities of Mental Imagery on Learning Lay-up Shot in Basketball [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 173-188]
Radfar, Froogh
The Effects of Observational and Physical Practices on Electromyography Characteristics of Main Active Muscles in Badminton High Serve [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 173-187]
Rafei Brojeni, Mahdi
The Effects of Observational and Physical Practices on Electromyography Characteristics of Main Active Muscles in Badminton High Serve [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 173-187]
Rajabi, Hamid
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Aaerobic Versus Pilates Training on Cognitive Function of Elderly Females [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 29-46]
Ramezanzade, Hesam
Perception-to-Action Transfer: The Role of Audiovisual Integration [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 35-46]
Razdan, Saeedeh
The Effect of Spectator – induced Arousal on Depth Perception and Spatial Memory in Female Student Athletes [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 121-138]
Rezaei, Fahimeh
Effect of a Course of Basketball Training Program on ADHD Children’s Sustained Attention [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 139-152]
Rezvani Brojeni, Elham
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Aaerobic Versus Pilates Training on Cognitive Function of Elderly Females [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 29-46]
Rostami, Robabeh
The Effect & Survival of Core Stability Short Term Training on Static & Dynamic Balance in Children with delay in development of Balance [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 53-72]
Saberi kakhaki, Alireza
The Effect of External Attentional Focus Instructions on Learning Tracking Task under Auditory Secondary Task Condition [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 73-88]
Saberi Kakhki, Alireza
The effect of a period balance training and cognitive combination on postural sway women with multiple sclerosis [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 143-156]
Saberi Kakhki, Alireza
Comparing of Two Methods of Practice for Emerging Motor Flexibility in Basketball Free Throw Skill [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 17-28]
Sadati Firoozabadi, Somayeh
The Effectiveness of Sensorimotor Integration in Improving Motor Skills in Students with Learning Disabilities [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 105-118]
Sadeghi Demne, Ebrahim
Comparing Exercise Effects Regarding Learning In-Phase and Anti-Phase Movement Coordination in Arm and Legs [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 153-172]
Sanjari, Mohammad Ali
Perception-to-Action Transfer: The Role of Audiovisual Integration [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 35-46]
Shahabi Kaseb, Mohammad Reza
The Effect of Analogy, Explicit, and Combination Learning on Acquisition, Retention, and Transfer of Complex Motor Skill [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 119-136]
Shahriyari, Mohsen
The Effects of Instructions Attention Focus Internal and External on Learning Protection Dynamic Balance in Children with Mental Retardation [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 95-110]
Shariat Zadeh, Mohammad
The effect of balance & strength exercise training on static balance and isometric strength in girl students with mental retardation [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 33-48]
Sheikh, Mahmood
The effect of training in water with and without Dolphin on gross motor skills of 8 years old children with autism spectrum disorder [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 171-184]
Sheikh, Mahmood
The Effect of Dual Task, Single Task, and Combined Task on Older Adults’ Gait, with or without the Experience of Falling [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 61-82]
Shetab Booshehri, Seyedeh Nahid
The Effects of Instructions Attention Focus Internal and External on Learning Protection Dynamic Balance in Children with Mental Retardation [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 95-110]
Sheykh, Mahmood
The effect of change in different characteristics in movements of two hands on transfer of asymmetrical bimanual movement to its converse pattern [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 133-152]
Sohrabi, Mehdi
Comparing the Effectiveness of Various Cognitive-Motor Interventions on Dynamic Balance of Elderly Women [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 47-72]
Soltani, Nakisa
The Effects of Observational and Physical Practices on Electromyography Characteristics of Main Active Muscles in Badminton High Serve [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 173-187]
Taheri, Hamidreza
Comparing of Two Methods of Practice for Emerging Motor Flexibility in Basketball Free Throw Skill [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 17-28]
Taheri, Hamidreza
The Effect of Skill level and Conditions’ Predictability on Taekwondo Players’ Timing [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 47-60]
Taheri, Hamid Reza
Comparing the Effectiveness of Various Cognitive-Motor Interventions on Dynamic Balance of Elderly Women [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 47-72]
Taheri, Morteza
The effect of IntraProtaneal injection of insulin in lactation period on acquisition and spatial memory of infants [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 173-188]
Taheri Torbati, Hamidreza
The effect of a period balance training and cognitive combination on postural sway women with multiple sclerosis [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 143-156]
Tahmasebi Brojeni, Shahzad
The Effect of Spectator – induced Arousal on Depth Perception and Spatial Memory in Female Student Athletes [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 121-138]
Talebi, Elaheh
Effects of Different Variations of Physical Practice and Mental Imagery on Shoulder Joint Degree of Freedom (range of motion) of Women with Breast Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy Post Radical Mastectomy [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 153-172]
Talebi, Elham
Effects of Different Variations of Physical Practice and Mental Imagery on Shoulder Joint Degree of Freedom (range of motion) of Women with Breast Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy Post Radical Mastectomy [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 153-172]
Vaez Moosavi, Seyed Mohammad Kazem
The Effect of Skill level and Conditions’ Predictability on Taekwondo Players’ Timing [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 47-60]
Vaez Moosavi, Seyed Mohammad Kazem
The Effect of Functional Training on the Number of Movement Units of Reaching to Objects with Different Shapes and Sizes in a 6-year-old Girl with Down Syndrome [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 137-152]
Vazini Taher, Amir
Cognition, Balance and Gait in Elderly with Dementia: a Motor Cognitive Approach to Reducing Risk of Falling [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 73-94]
Yousefi, Mohammad
The effect of focus of attention via verbal instructions on quickness of elite athletes [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 39-52]
Zamani, Mahsa
The Effects of Observational and Physical Practices on Electromyography Characteristics of Main Active Muscles in Badminton High Serve [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 173-187]
Zanganeh, Azadeh
The Effect of Dual Task, Single Task, and Combined Task on Older Adults’ Gait, with or without the Experience of Falling [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 61-82]
Zareian, Ehsan
The Effect of Spectator – induced Arousal on Depth Perception and Spatial Memory in Female Student Athletes [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 121-138]
Zarezade, Mahshid
The Effect of External Attentional Focus Instructions on Learning Tracking Task under Auditory Secondary Task Condition [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 73-88]