Abdoli, Behrooz
Determine the Timing of the Circadian Rhythm in Physical Training and Motor Imagery on Learning Tennis on Table Forehand in Individuals with Different Circadian [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 51-70]
Abdoli, Behroz
The Effect of Skilled and Learning Model on Accuracy and Dynamic Characteristics Acquisition of Basketball Free Throw Skill [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 53-70]
Afshar, Mohammad
Comparison of Visual Skills in Soccer Referees with Fewer and More Mistakes [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 75-90]
Aghdasi, Mohammad Taghi
Effect of a Cognitive Secondary Task on Gaze Behaviors and Decision Making of Skilled and Novice Football Players [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 129-142]
Alaei, Hojjatollah
The Comparison of Immobilization Stress on Learning and Spatial Memory in Young and Old Male Rats [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 165-178]
Arabameri, Elahe
The Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Selective Motor Training on Gross Motor Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 79-96]
Arabi, Mahtab
Effect of Novice, Expert and Mixed Observational Models on Cognitive- Motor Task Learning [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 35-50]
Arsham, Saeed
Effects of 8-Weeks Aquatic Exercise Program on Static and Dynamic Balance in the Children with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 49-64]
Ashegh Toosi, Mahnaz
The Relationship Between Skin Conductance and Post Error Slowing During Cognitive Task Performance in Soccer Referees [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 91-104]
Attarzadeh Hoseini, Seyed Reza
Comparing the Effect of Task-Oriented Approach Intervention with Ordinary Activity on Gross Motor Development of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 17-34]
Bagherzadeh, Fazlollah
The Effect of Selective and Compulsive Video Augmented Information on Motor Learning of Basketball Jump Shot: with Emphasizing on the Challenge Point Theory [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 143-166]
Bahram, Abbas
Effects of Teacher Centered and Child Centered Approaches on Actual and Perceived Motor Competence of the Elementary School Girls [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 39-52]
Bahrami, Alireza
The Effect of Swimming Training and Practice on the Kinesthesia of Boys with Visual Impairment [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 17-28]
Bahrami, Leila
Validity and Reliability of Persian Version of the Bodybuilding Dependence Scale [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 71-88]
Beik, Meysam
Effect of Content of Augmented Feedback on Acquisition, Retention, Transfer of Motor Skill and Intrinsic Motivation in Children and Adolescents: A Distinct Perception-Action in Novice and Skilled [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 49-74]
Bund, Andreas
Comparing Intra-Limb Coordination and Timing of Performing a Baseball-Pitch in Skilled and Unskilled Pitchers with Emphasis on Different Movement Phases [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 29-48]
Chahardah Cherik, Majid
Comparison of Visual Skills in Soccer Referees with Fewer and More Mistakes [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 75-90]
Chamanian, Raziyeh
Effect of PETTLEP Mental Imagery and Physical Practice on Pre-motor and Motor Parts of Simple and Choice Reaction Time [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 17-38]
Dana, Amir
The Effect of Education Based on the Developmental Physical Education on Students’ Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 17-34]
Daneshfar, Afkham
The Effects of Type, Correctness, and Time of Precue Presentation on Choice Reaction Time: The Study of Inhibition of Return Theory [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 35-48]
Doustan, Mohammad Reza
The Effect of Handedness and Manipulation of the Index of Difficulty on the Behavioral and Neural Components of Speed-Accuracy Trade Off [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 121-150]
Ebrahimi sani, Soghra
Procedural Motor Learning Facilitation and Consolida-tion by Neurofeedback [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 129-146]
Entezari, Marziyeh
Determine the Timing of the Circadian Rhythm in Physical Training and Motor Imagery on Learning Tennis on Table Forehand in Individuals with Different Circadian [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 51-70]
Entezari Khorasani, Zahra
The Effect of Skilled and Learning Model on Accuracy and Dynamic Characteristics Acquisition of Basketball Free Throw Skill [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 53-70]
Eskandarnejad, Mahta
Relationship between Refereeing Level and Type of Sport Field with Sport Referees’ Amount of Depth Perception Error in Cold and Warm Colors [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 147-160]
Esmaeilzadeh, Mohammad Ali
Effect of Nested Task Constraints on Movement Velocity, Throwing Velocity and Accuracy in Elite Handball Players [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 97-112]
Faramarzi, Salar
The Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Selective Motor Training on Gross Motor Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 79-96]
Farazmand, soodabe
The Effect of Strength, Fingers Special Training and Combination of Them on the Speed and Accuracy of Fine Movements in Elderly Women [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 71-86]
Farsi, Alireza
The Effect of Skilled and Learning Model on Accuracy and Dynamic Characteristics Acquisition of Basketball Free Throw Skill [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 53-70]
Farzad, Leila
The Effect of Handedness and Manipulation of the Index of Difficulty on the Behavioral and Neural Components of Speed-Accuracy Trade Off [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 121-150]
Fazeli, Davoud
Effect of Content of Augmented Feedback on Acquisition, Retention, Transfer of Motor Skill and Intrinsic Motivation in Children and Adolescents: A Distinct Perception-Action in Novice and Skilled [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 49-74]
Ghadiri, Farhad
Effects of Teacher Centered and Child Centered Approaches on Actual and Perceived Motor Competence of the Elementary School Girls [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 39-52]
Ghasemi, Abdollah
Effect of Novice, Expert and Mixed Observational Models on Cognitive- Motor Task Learning [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 35-50]
Ghasemi, Abodollah
The Effect of Individual, Group and Cooperative Special Practices on the Cognitive and Social Function of Children Aged 9-12 Years with Development Coordination Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 177-194]
Ghasemian Moghadam, Mohammad Reza
The Relationship Between Skin Conductance and Post Error Slowing During Cognitive Task Performance in Soccer Referees [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 91-104]
Ghorbani, Saeed
Comparing Intra-Limb Coordination and Timing of Performing a Baseball-Pitch in Skilled and Unskilled Pitchers with Emphasis on Different Movement Phases [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 29-48]
Ghorbanzadeh, Behrouz
The Effect of Inclusive Education System in Elementary Schools on Motor, Social and Emotional Development of Students with Intellectual Disability [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 105-124]
Hamidi, Neda
Comparing of Motor Proficiency, Behavior and Educational Progress Preterm Children 8-10 Years with Term Children [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 89-104]
Hatami, Farzaneh
The Effects of Neurofeedback Training with a Focus on Handedness on Learning of Dart Throwing Skill [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 109-128]
Hedayati, Azam
The Effects of Neurofeedback Training with a Focus on Handedness on Learning of Dart Throwing Skill [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 109-128]
Hejazi Dinan, Parisa
Comparing of Motor Proficiency, Behavior and Educational Progress Preterm Children 8-10 Years with Term Children [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 89-104]
Hemayat-talab, Rasool
The Effect of Selective and Compulsive Video Augmented Information on Motor Learning of Basketball Jump Shot: with Emphasizing on the Challenge Point Theory [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 143-166]
Homayoon Nia Firoozjah, Morteza
The Effect of Perceptual-Motor exercises on The Working Memory of Students with Special Learning Disabilities with Math Problems [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 105-120]
Hosseini, Fatemeh Sadat
Effect of Psycho-Rehabilitation on Perceptual-Motor Proficiency of Children with Down Syndrome [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 113-128]
Jaberi Moghadam, Ali Akbar
Effect of Nested Task Constraints on Movement Velocity, Throwing Velocity and Accuracy in Elite Handball Players [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 97-112]
Jahedi, Maryam
Relationship between Refereeing Level and Type of Sport Field with Sport Referees’ Amount of Depth Perception Error in Cold and Warm Colors [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 147-160]
Kashani, Valiollah
The Effect of Circadian Rhythms and Variability of Physical Practice on the Enhancement based Consolidation Process in Explicit Motor Memory [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 87-108]
Kashani, Vali Ollah
Validity and Reliability of Persian Version of the Bodybuilding Dependence Scale [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 71-88]
Kashi, Ali
The Effect of Inclusive Education System in Elementary Schools on Motor, Social and Emotional Development of Students with Intellectual Disability [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 105-124]
Khalaji, Hasan
The Effect of Swimming Training and Practice on the Kinesthesia of Boys with Visual Impairment [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 17-28]
Kordi, Hassan
Comparing the Effect of Task-Oriented Approach Intervention with Ordinary Activity on Gross Motor Development of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 17-34]
Mahmoodifar, Elham
The Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Selective Motor Training on Gross Motor Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 79-96]
Maleki, Farzad
The Effect of Selective and Compulsive Video Augmented Information on Motor Learning of Basketball Jump Shot: with Emphasizing on the Challenge Point Theory [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 143-166]
Memar Moghaddam, Mozhgan
The Effect of Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation During Gait Training on Kinematic Parameters of Gait in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 149-164]
Mirzarazi Dehaghi, Roya
The Comparison of Immobilization Stress on Learning and Spatial Memory in Young and Old Male Rats [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 165-178]
Mohammadi Orangi, Behzad
The Relationship between IQ and Emotional Intelligence with Motor Proficiency in Boys’ 10-14-Year-Old in Tehran [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 65-78]
Mohammadzade, Hasan
Procedural Motor Learning Facilitation and Consolida-tion by Neurofeedback [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 129-146]
Mokhtari, Mahyar
Effect of Content of Augmented Feedback on Acquisition, Retention, Transfer of Motor Skill and Intrinsic Motivation in Children and Adolescents: A Distinct Perception-Action in Novice and Skilled [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 49-74]
Movahedi, Ahmadreza
The Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Selective Motor Training on Gross Motor Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 79-96]
Najarian Noosh abadi, Reyhaneh
The Effects of Type, Correctness, and Time of Precue Presentation on Choice Reaction Time: The Study of Inhibition of Return Theory [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 35-48]
Namdar Tajari, Somayeh
The Effect of Perceptual-Motor exercises on The Working Memory of Students with Special Learning Disabilities with Math Problems [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 105-120]
Nemati, Sajjad
The Effect of Swimming Training and Practice on the Kinesthesia of Boys with Visual Impairment [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 17-28]
Nezakat-Alhoseini, Maryam
Effect of PETTLEP Mental Imagery and Physical Practice on Pre-motor and Motor Parts of Simple and Choice Reaction Time [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 17-38]
Parsafar, Parisa
Effect of a Cognitive Secondary Task on Gaze Behaviors and Decision Making of Skilled and Novice Football Players [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 129-142]
Pooraghaei Ardakani, Zahra
The Effect of Strength, Fingers Special Training and Combination of Them on the Speed and Accuracy of Fine Movements in Elderly Women [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 71-86]
Qaderi, Hosein
Effects of Teacher Centered and Child Centered Approaches on Actual and Perceived Motor Competence of the Elementary School Girls [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 39-52]
Rafei Brojeni, Mehdi
Effect of PETTLEP Mental Imagery and Physical Practice on Pre-motor and Motor Parts of Simple and Choice Reaction Time [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 17-38]
Rafiee, Saleh
The Effect of Education Based on the Developmental Physical Education on Students’ Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 17-34]
Rahavi Ezabadi, Rosa
Comparing of Motor Proficiency, Behavior and Educational Progress Preterm Children 8-10 Years with Term Children [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 89-104]
Rahimian Mashhadi, Maryam
The Effects of Type, Correctness, and Time of Precue Presentation on Choice Reaction Time: The Study of Inhibition of Return Theory [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 35-48]
Ramezanzade, Hesam
The Role of Motor-Auditory Kinematics in Reproduction and Learning the Spatial Characteristics of the Motion Pattern [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 125-148]
Rezaei, Fahimeh
Relationship between Refereeing Level and Type of Sport Field with Sport Referees’ Amount of Depth Perception Error in Cold and Warm Colors [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 147-160]
Rostami, Robabeh
Comparison of Visual Skills in Soccer Referees with Fewer and More Mistakes [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 75-90]
Saberi Kakhki, Alireza
Comparing the Effect of Task-Oriented Approach Intervention with Ordinary Activity on Gross Motor Development of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 17-34]
Sabzi, Amir Hamzeh
The Effect of Education Based on the Developmental Physical Education on Students’ Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 17-34]
Saemi, Esmaeel
The Effect of Handedness and Manipulation of the Index of Difficulty on the Behavioral and Neural Components of Speed-Accuracy Trade Off [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 121-150]
Safavi Homami, Shila
The Comparison of Immobilization Stress on Learning and Spatial Memory in Young and Old Male Rats [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 165-178]
Salehi, Hamid
Effect of PETTLEP Mental Imagery and Physical Practice on Pre-motor and Motor Parts of Simple and Choice Reaction Time [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 17-38]
Salman, Zahra
The Effect of Strength, Fingers Special Training and Combination of Them on the Speed and Accuracy of Fine Movements in Elderly Women [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 71-86]
Salmanzadeh, Mohammad Reza
Validity and Reliability of Persian Version of the Bodybuilding Dependence Scale [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 71-88]
Sepehri Bonab, Hasan
Procedural Motor Learning Facilitation and Consolida-tion by Neurofeedback [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 129-146]
Shaaban Pour, Reza
Effects of 8-Weeks Aquatic Exercise Program on Static and Dynamic Balance in the Children with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 49-64]
Shaban, Elnaz
The Effect of Contextual Interference on Acquisition, Retention and Transfer of Children’s Basic Gymnastics Skills [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 161-176]
Shafizadeh, Ali
The Effect of Contextual Interference on Acquisition, Retention and Transfer of Children’s Basic Gymnastics Skills [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 161-176]
Shahabi, Nasrin
The Effect of Circadian Rhythms and Variability of Physical Practice on the Enhancement based Consolidation Process in Explicit Motor Memory [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 87-108]
Shahbazi, Mehdi
Effect of Nested Task Constraints on Movement Velocity, Throwing Velocity and Accuracy in Elite Handball Players [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 97-112]
Shahraki, Mansoure
The Effect of Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation During Gait Training on Kinematic Parameters of Gait in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 149-164]
Shahrzad, Neda
The Relationship between IQ and Emotional Intelligence with Motor Proficiency in Boys’ 10-14-Year-Old in Tehran [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 65-78]
Shamsipoor Dehkordi, Parvaneh
Determine the Timing of the Circadian Rhythm in Physical Training and Motor Imagery on Learning Tennis on Table Forehand in Individuals with Different Circadian [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 51-70]
Shamsipor Dehkordi, Parvaneh
The Effect of Circadian Rhythms and Variability of Physical Practice on the Enhancement based Consolidation Process in Explicit Motor Memory [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 87-108]
Shiekh, Mahmood
The Effect of Selective and Compulsive Video Augmented Information on Motor Learning of Basketball Jump Shot: with Emphasizing on the Challenge Point Theory [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 143-166]
Shirvaniha, Zohreh
The Effect of Inclusive Education System in Elementary Schools on Motor, Social and Emotional Development of Students with Intellectual Disability [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 105-124]
Shirzad Araqi, Elham
Effect of Nested Task Constraints on Movement Velocity, Throwing Velocity and Accuracy in Elite Handball Players [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 97-112]
Sohrabi, Mehdi
The Effect of Individual, Group and Cooperative Special Practices on the Cognitive and Social Function of Children Aged 9-12 Years with Development Coordination Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 177-194]
Sohrabi, Mehdi
Comparing the Effect of Task-Oriented Approach Intervention with Ordinary Activity on Gross Motor Development of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 17-34]
Soltan Ahmadi, Tina
The Effect of Education Based on the Developmental Physical Education on Students’ Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 17-34]
Taheri Torbati, Hamidreza
The Effect of Individual, Group and Cooperative Special Practices on the Cognitive and Social Function of Children Aged 9-12 Years with Development Coordination Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 177-194]
Tahmasebi, Farshid
The Effects of Neurofeedback Training with a Focus on Handedness on Learning of Dart Throwing Skill [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 109-128]
Tahmasebi Boroujeni, Shahzad
Effect of Nested Task Constraints on Movement Velocity, Throwing Velocity and Accuracy in Elite Handball Players [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 97-112]
Vaez Mmousavi, Seyed Mohamad Kazem
The Effect of Skilled and Learning Model on Accuracy and Dynamic Characteristics Acquisition of Basketball Free Throw Skill [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 53-70]
Vaez Mousavi, Seyed Mohammad Kazem
Effect of Novice, Expert and Mixed Observational Models on Cognitive- Motor Task Learning [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 35-50]
Valizadeh, Adel
Effect of Psycho-Rehabilitation on Perceptual-Motor Proficiency of Children with Down Syndrome [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 113-128]
Yaali, Rasoul
The Relationship between IQ and Emotional Intelligence with Motor Proficiency in Boys’ 10-14-Year-Old in Tehran [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 65-78]
Zaree, Javad
The Effect of Individual, Group and Cooperative Special Practices on the Cognitive and Social Function of Children Aged 9-12 Years with Development Coordination Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 177-194]