Abadi, Ahmad
The Effects of a Training Course with an Emphasis on Fine Motor Skills on Executive Functions of Children with Learning Disorder [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 37-56]
Abani Arani, Masoomeh
The Effect of Selected Rainbow Parachute Games on Motor and Social Development of Pre-school Children [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 189-204]
Abbasi, Ali
Comparison of the Effect of Nonlinear Pedagogy on Emergence of Coordination Patterns in Low Badminton Backhand Serve [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 107-124]
Abbasi, Shahla
The Effectiveness of Sensorimotor Integration in Improving Motor Skills in Students with Learning Disabilities [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 105-118]
Abbasian Borujeni, Rezvan
Comparison of the Effects of Cognitive Rehabilitation and Purposeful -Movement Plays on Cognitive Flexibility and Motor Coordination among Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [(Articles in Press)]
Abbaspour, Kosar
The Effect of Play in Natural Outdoor and Indoor Space on the Social and Perceptual Development of Preschool Children [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 103-120]
Abbaspour, Kosar
Psychometrics of Farsi version of Subjective and Objective Physical Fitness Measurement Tools among Iranian Elderly [Volume 13, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 151-180]
Abbaspour, Kosar
Could neonatal health indicators and parent’s socioeconomic status predict motor development and visual perception in children? [Volume 15, Issue 51, 2023, Pages 115-138]
Abbas Zadeh, Ali
Comparison of Visual Impairments and Motor Problems between Children 3-7 Age Preterm and Term [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 87-106]
Abdoli, Behrooz
Comparison of anticipation skills and visual search behaviors of skilled and novice basketball players in different positions attack (1 on 1,3 on 3) [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 15-32]
Abdoli, Behrooz
The effect of self-controlled observational practice and model’s skill level on badminton long serve [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2015, Pages 35-48]
Abdoli, Behrooz
The role of sleep and wake on enhancement of implicit motor sequence in youth [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 33-54]
Abdoli, Behrooz
Effect of increasing the distance of an external focus of attention on performance and kinematic of horizontal jump in skilled athletes [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 65-78]
Abdoli, Behrooz
Effect of Observing Different Kinds of Information during Observational Learning [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 17-38]
Abdoli, Behrooz
The Effect of Basketball Net's Height and Skill Level on the Emergence of the Especial Skill in Basketball Free Throwing [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 65-84]
Abdoli, Behrooz
Determine the Timing of the Circadian Rhythm in Physical Training and Motor Imagery on Learning Tennis on Table Forehand in Individuals with Different Circadian [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 51-70]
Abdoli, Behrooz
The effect of aerobic training on motor performance, anthropometric indices and growth hormone on male rats exposed to chronic stress [Volume 13, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 43-68]
Abdoli, Behrouz
The Effect of the Second Task Complexity in Difference Time Interval on the First Task Reaction Time Based on Psychology Refractory Period Paradigm [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 103-120]
Abdoli, Behrouz
Perception-to-Action Transfer: The Role of Audiovisual Integration [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 35-46]
Abdoli, Behrouz
Comparison of Quiet Eye Duration and Accuracy of Performance in Jump Shot of Skilled and Less Skilled Basketball Players [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 51-66]
Abdoli, Behrouz
Changes of postural sway in narrow-base stance by concurrently performing cognitive task [Volume 13, Issue 45, 2022, Pages 135-158]
Abdoli, Behroz
The Effect of Skilled and Learning Model on Accuracy and Dynamic Characteristics Acquisition of Basketball Free Throw Skill [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 53-70]
Abdoli, Narges
The Effect of Combining Observational, Shadow and Physical Practice on Learning Dart Throwing Skill [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 149-168]
Abdolrahman Chapari, Shima
Comparison of the Efficacy of Instructor-Based and Parent-Based Interventions on Social Development, Emotional Development and Cognitive Development in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 121-148]
Abdoshahi, maryam
Comparing Intra-Limb Coordination of Dart Throwing in Skilled and Novice Throwers: A Kinematic Study [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 171-192]
Abedanzadeh, Rasool
The Effect of Visual Illusion on Motor Learning of Golf Putting and Self-efficacy in Older Adults [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 151-166]
Abedi, Pegah
The influence of focus of attention types on anticipatory motor planning and its relation to executive function in people with MS [(Articles in Press)]
Abolhassany, Nahideh
Comparison of the effect of special physical training and perceptual-motor programs on gait and the gross and fine motor skills of children with cerebral palsy [(Articles in Press)]
Abootalebian, Somayeh
The effect of visual stimuli training on choice reaction time in male taekwondo players [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 79-96]
Adlparvar, Azadeh
Effect of Yoga on Anxiety of Parents and Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 139-152]
Afshar, Mohammad
Comparison of Visual Skills in Soccer Referees with Fewer and More Mistakes [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 75-90]
Aghababa, alireza
Psychometric properties of Persian version of the Perceived Physical Literacy Instrument (PPLI) [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 161-186]
Aghapoor, Seid Mehdi
Effect of Task Constraints on Coordination Variability in Missed and Successful Trails of Chip Pass [Volume 11, Issue 38, 2020, Pages 97-114]
Aghapour Hasiri, Seyad Mehdi
The Effect Type of Attentional Focus and the Frequency of Feedback on Explicit Knowledge and the Learning of Basketball Free Throwing [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 85-102]
Aghdaei, Mahin
The Effect of Local Games on Visual-Motor Skills in Students with Respect to the Experience in Computer Games [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 169-182]
Aghdai, Mahin
The Effect of Functional Training on the Number of Movement Units of Reaching to Objects with Different Shapes and Sizes in a 6-year-old Girl with Down Syndrome [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 137-152]
Aghdasi, mohammad taghi
Investigating self-control approaches in learning and sports motivation; Emphasizing the role of Goal setting [(Articles in Press)]
Aghdasi, Mohammad Taghi
Cognition, Balance and Gait in Elderly with Dementia: a Motor Cognitive Approach to Reducing Risk of Falling [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 73-94]
Aghdasi, Mohammad Taghi
Effect of a Cognitive Secondary Task on Gaze Behaviors and Decision Making of Skilled and Novice Football Players [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 129-142]
Aghdasi, Mohammad Taghi
Effect of Aerobic Rhythmic Exercises with Music on Emotional Intelligence and Motor Proficiency in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 53-66]
Aghdasi, Mohammad Taghi
The Effect of Training, Individual Mode or Couple Mode, on The Extent of Learning Aerobics Among the Elderly [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2020, Pages 111-130]
Aghdasi, MohammadTagi
The Effect of Virtual Reality Training on Motor Imagery Capability of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 39-64]
Ahar, Saeid
Content Analysis and Comparison of Iranian Journals in Motor Behavior and Sport Psychology Domains [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 107-134]
Ahmadi, Malek
Learning of Predictive Motor Control in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 85-108]
Ahmadi, Malek
The Effects of Three Instructional Approaches on Basketball Game Performance in University Students [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 63-84]
Ahmadi, Malek
The Effects of Motor-Motor and Motor- Cognitive Dual Task Training on Balance and Working Memory Among Older Women [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 89-106]
Ahmadi, Malek
The effect of external focus attention and autonomy-support on learning of a motor targeting task [Volume 15, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 69-82]
Ahmadi, Malek
The relationship between developmental affordances and perceived motor competence in preschool children [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 133-148]
Ahmadi, Nassour
Comparison of Quiet Eye Duration and Accuracy of Performance in Jump Shot of Skilled and Less Skilled Basketball Players [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 51-66]
Ahmadi, Nassour
The effects of quiet eye training on accuracy and quiet eye duration on basketball three- point shot in expert players [Volume 14, Issue 48, 2022, Pages 17-42]
Ahmadinejad, Adele
The effect of autonomy support on learning overhand throw in elementary school students [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 119-132]
Ahmadishouli, Sasan
Addressing the effect of contextual interference and errorless learning on performance under psychological pressure [(Articles in Press)]
Ahmad pour, Arezo
Effects of a selected rhythmic exercise program on the balance control in hearing-impaired children with vestibular dysfunction [Volume 7, Issue 21, 2015, Pages 47-64]
Akbari, Dadfar
The Effect of Local Games on Visual-Motor Skills in Students with Respect to the Experience in Computer Games [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 169-182]
Akbari, Hakimeh
The effect of the selective balanced on ball and core resistance training program on the older females [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 105-122]
Alaei, Hojjatollah
The Comparison of Immobilization Stress on Learning and Spatial Memory in Young and Old Male Rats [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 165-178]
Alavinamvar, Parvaneh
The effect of training representative tasks on perceptual-cognitive skills: Identifying involved mental processes [Volume 15, Issue 51, 2023, Pages 17-40]
Alboghebeish, Saeed
The effect of visual manipulation on the oscillations of cerebral cortex waves elderly in static posture control situations [(Articles in Press)]
Alimardani, Ahmad
The effect of metacognitive strategies and play at home (UNICEF Proposed Package) on learning fundamental motor skills in children aged 5 to 8 years in the pandemic of Corona disease [Volume 16, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 55-74]
Alizadeh, Leili
Prediction of aggression in male body builders emphasizing on narcissism and body perception [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 73-84]
Alizadeh, Leily
The Role of Task Constraints Manipulation on Learning of Skills and Strategies of Basketball by Nonlinear Pedagogy (TGFU) [Volume 11, Issue 38, 2020, Pages 115-128]
Alizadeh, Leily
The effect of Game Sense on improvement of basketball executive skills and non-practiced tasks performance in children with developmental coordination disorder [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 71-98]
Alizadeh, Mohammad Hosein
Motor Coordination of Instep Soccer Kick in Elite Soccer Players After ACL Re-Construction Surgery [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 145-164]
Alizadeh Khanghah, Haniyeh
Comparison of 12-week Exercises of Yoga, Pilates and Yogalates on Older Women Functional Balance with High Risk of Falling Under Dual-Task Conditions [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 49-64]
Amini, Hojatoollah
The Effect of Fine Motor Activities on Development and Improving Attention in Girls Students with Emphasis on the Montessori Method [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 33-50]
Amini, Mohammad Mahdi
Motor Coordination of Instep Soccer Kick in Elite Soccer Players After ACL Re-Construction Surgery [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 145-164]
Amini, Mohammad Mahdi
The Effect of Aerobic, Resistance and Combination Exercises During Pregnancy on the Development of Fine and Gross Motor Skills of 12 Months Old Children [Volume 11, Issue 38, 2020, Pages 17-34]
Amini, Rana
The relationship between motor motivation and enjoyment of physical activity in children [(Articles in Press)]
Amiri, Maryam
Determine the Validity and Reliability Test Body Awareness Purdue Perceptual- Motor Survey [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 87-100]
Amiri, Shahrokh
The Effect of Virtual Reality Training on Motor Imagery Capability of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 39-64]
Amirkhani, Marziyeh
The Effect of Delacato Sensorimotor Training on Dysgraphia of 9 to 11-year-old Female Students [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 89-104]
Amirtash, Ali Mohammad
Interaction Between Individual, Environment and Task in Motor Learning: The Effects of Competitive Atmosphere and Mental Toughness in Learning Two Simple and Complex Sport Skills [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 85-104]
Amooheidari, Alireza
Effects of Different Variations of Physical Practice and Mental Imagery on Shoulder Joint Degree of Freedom (range of motion) of Women with Breast Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy Post Radical Mastectomy [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 153-172]
Amooheydari, Ali Reza
Effects of selected aerobic activities on body self-concept of women with breast cancer undergoing radiotherapy post mastectomy [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 163-176]
Ansari, Omid
The Effect of External Attentional Focus Instructions on Learning Tracking Task under Auditory Secondary Task Condition [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 73-88]
Arabameri, Elahe
The Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Selective Motor Training on Gross Motor Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 79-96]
Arabameri, Elahe
Modeling Dynamic Factors Affecting Gross Motor Development Milestone 9-12 Months Old Infant s with Using Structural Equation [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 149-168]
Arabameri, Elahe
Motor Coordination of Instep Soccer Kick in Elite Soccer Players After ACL Re-Construction Surgery [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 145-164]
Arabameri, ٍElahe
The Effect of Physical Activity and Virtual Reality on Functional Balance in Spastic Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy [(Articles in Press)]
Arab Ameri, Elahe
Analysis of regression mechanisms of defense and emotional intelligence in the elite martial arts athletes [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 85-104]
Arab Ameri, Elahe
Investigating the Relationship between Feed-Forward Postural Control and Constant and Variable Error of Coincident Anticipation Timing Task: Study of Skilled and Novice Table Tennis Players [Volume 15, Issue 51, 2023, Pages 41-66]
Arab Ameri, Elaheh
The effect of different level of activation on control the power generation of dominant leg of elite Taekwondo athletes [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 47-58]
Arab Ameri, Elaheh
Psychometric Characteristics of the Persian Version of «The Fear of Falling Avoidance Behavior Questionnaire» in Elderly [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 99-120]
Arabi, Mahtab
Effect of Novice, Expert and Mixed Observational Models on Cognitive- Motor Task Learning [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 35-50]
Arabnarmi, Bita
Psychometric properties of the Perceived Motor Competence Questionnaire in Childhood [Volume 13, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 93-124]
Arazeshi, Negar
Comparing Exercise Effects Regarding Learning In-Phase and Anti-Phase Movement Coordination in Arm and Legs [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 153-172]
Arsalan Yasin, Narges
The effect of type and time of emotional induction and night sleep on consolidation and reconsolidation mechanisms of motor memory [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 115-138]
Arsham, Saeed
Compare the performance of subjects with ipsilateral and contralateral dominant hands and eyes during learning stages of volleyball Hammer serving skill [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 71-86]
Arsham, Saeed
The Relationship between Fear of Falling, Anxiety, Functional Mobility and Balance in Nursing-Home Older Adults [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 135-148]
Arsham, Saeed
Effects of 8-Weeks Aquatic Exercise Program on Static and Dynamic Balance in the Children with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 49-64]
Arsham, Saeed
The Role of stepping Exergame Trainings and Treadmill Walking on the Development of Physical Functions in Older Adults [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 125-142]
Asghari, Nabiollah
The Effect of 7 Weeks of Core Stability and Balance Training on Motor Function and Cognitive Failures in Women with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 17-34]
Ashayeri, Hassan
Investigate the Effect of Aerobic Activity with and without Cognitive Load on Alerting Network of Attention [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 173-188]
Ashegh Toosi, Mahnaz
The Relationship Between Skin Conductance and Post Error Slowing During Cognitive Task Performance in Soccer Referees [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 91-104]
Ashrafi, Leila
Effect of rhythmic exercise on perceptual – moving skills children with visual impairments [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 117-130]
Ashtari, Mohammadreza
The effect of self-controlled feedback on learning of a throwing task in 10 years old children with autism spectrum disorder in Hamadan city [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 79-90]
Ashtari, Mohammadreza
The effect of training in water with and without Dolphin on gross motor skills of 8 years old children with autism spectrum disorder [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 171-184]
Aslankhani, Mohammad Ali
Learning Outcomes of Hybrid Pedagogies in the Context of Physical Education: A Systematic Review [(Articles in Press)]
Aslankhani, Mohammad Ali
Outcomes of Linear and Non-Linear Pedagogy in Learning Sport and Motor Skills: A Systematic Review [Volume 16, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 75-108]
Attarzadeh Fadaki, Samaneh
Psychometric Properties of Persian Shortened Version of the Falls Efficacy Scale-International in People with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 83-102]
Attarzadeh Hoseini, Seyed Reza
Comparing the Effect of Task-Oriented Approach Intervention with Ordinary Activity on Gross Motor Development of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 17-34]
Azari, Mansoureh
Psychometric properties and normalization of Persian version of the young experience survey in sport [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 111-142]
Azarpaikan, Atefeh
Investigating three methods of non-invasive intervention: somatosensory training, neurofeedback training and foot massage, on the balance of the elderly over 65 years old [(Articles in Press)]
Azimi, Rezvan
Changes of postural sway in narrow-base stance by concurrently performing cognitive task [Volume 13, Issue 45, 2022, Pages 135-158]
Azimzadeh, Elham
The Effect of Local Games on Visual-Motor Skills in Students with Respect to the Experience in Computer Games [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 169-182]
Azimzadeh, Elham
Effect of attention networks training on gaze behavior and learning in table tennis forehand skill [Volume 15, Issue 52, 2023, Pages 17-42]
Azim Zadeh, Elham
Effect of selected visual and sport training program on visual skills [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 15-32]
Azizi, Hosna
Effect of external and internal focus of attention instructions in field dependence and independence on performance and learning of dart throwing [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 131-148]
Babapour, Mehdi
The effect of choosing the order of the type of practice on learning and motivational mechanisms and information processing in the task of targeting [Volume 15, Issue 52, 2023, Pages 127-152]
Badami, Rokhsareh
The Effect of Basic Gymnastics Exercises on Movement Skills of children with autism disorder. [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2015, Pages 73-88]
Badami, Rokhsareh
The effect of visual stimuli training on choice reaction time in male taekwondo players [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 79-96]
Badami, Rokhsareh
Comparing the Expertise Acquisition Process among the Young Rock Climbers at Different Levels of Competition, Based on the Evolutionary Model of Sports Participation [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 109-134]
Badami, Rokhsareh
The effect of High intensity interval training (HIIT) and dietary supplement curcumin on cognitive function and the level of stress markers in the brain of male Balb/C mice exposed to lead nitrate [Volume 15, Issue 52, 2023, Pages 69-100]
Baghaiyan, Masoomeh
The Effects of Sensory Modalities of Mental Imagery on Learning Lay-up Shot in Basketball [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 173-188]
Bagheri, Sara
The Effect of Manipulating Attentional Focus on Performance of Top-Spine Strike of Skilled and Novice Table Tennis Players Under High Psychological Pressure [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 67-88]
Bagherli, Jaleh
Comparing Peripheral Vision, Simple Reaction Time, and Choice Reaction Time between Expert and Novice Drivers [Volume 15, Issue 52, 2023, Pages 43-68]
Bagherli, Zhaleh
The Effects of Based on Error Learning and Practice Variability on Performance Accuracy and Mental Effort [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 37-50]
Baghernia, Rahman
Compare the performance of subjects with ipsilateral and contralateral dominant hands and eyes during learning stages of volleyball Hammer serving skill [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 71-86]
Bagherzadeh, Fazlollah
The Effect of Selective and Compulsive Video Augmented Information on Motor Learning of Basketball Jump Shot: with Emphasizing on the Challenge Point Theory [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 143-166]
Bagherzadeh, Fazlollah
Modeling Dynamic Factors Affecting Gross Motor Development Milestone 9-12 Months Old Infant s with Using Structural Equation [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 149-168]
Bagherzadeh, Fazlollah
The effect of two methods of child-centered and teacher-centered on the development of gross motor skill of third grade elementary students [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2020, Pages 17-36]
Bagherzadeh, Fazlollah
The Effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation program On Balance and Gait in Man Schizophrenia patients with Depression Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 65-90]
Baharlouei, Karim
The effect of cognitive attentional focus instructions on Muscle Efficiency and Motor Performance of Skilled Individuals [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 61-78]
Bahmani, Moslem
Coaches’ Verbal Instructions and Skilled Adolescent Judo Players’ Attentional Strategies During Training and Competition [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 143-158]
Bahram, Abbas
Effect of different intensities of physical activity on postural sway motor variability in vertical standing position [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 147-162]
Bahram, Abbas
The effect of increasing distance of external attention on electromyography in dart throwing [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 51-64]
Bahram, Abbas
The effect of focus of attention via verbal instructions on quickness of elite athletes [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 39-52]
Bahram, Abbas
Comparison of 12-week Exercises of Yoga, Pilates and Yogalates on Older Women Functional Balance with High Risk of Falling Under Dual-Task Conditions [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 49-64]
Bahram, Abbas
Effects of Teacher Centered and Child Centered Approaches on Actual and Perceived Motor Competence of the Elementary School Girls [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 39-52]
Bahram, Abbas
Identifying Self-Organization Maps in the Iranian National Soccer Team from the Perspective of Social Networking Theory: An Analysis of the offensive Performance in the 2018 World Cup Matches [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 69-86]
Bahram, Abbas
Comparison of the Effect of Nonlinear Pedagogy on Emergence of Coordination Patterns in Low Badminton Backhand Serve [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 107-124]
Bahram, Abbas
Investigating the role of motor learning strategies on improving team creativity in beginner soccer’s [(Articles in Press)]
Bahram, Abbas
The Effect of Manipulation Task Constraints in SSG on Team Interactions and Technical Performance of Players in Competitive Football Game: Application of Social Network Theory in Performance Analysis [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 187-212]
Bahram, Abbas
The effect of differential Education approach and attention instructions on futsal shoot retention and transfer [Volume 15, Issue 52, 2023, Pages 101-126]
Bahrami, Alireza
The Relationship of Force Control and Adjustment of Dominant hand’s Angle to selected Psychological Traits in Athlete and Non-athlete Students [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 53-72]
Bahrami, Alireza
The Effect of Swimming Training and Practice on the Kinesthesia of Boys with Visual Impairment [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 17-28]
Bahrami, Alireza
Intra-Performance Related Differences in Quiet Eye of Elite Pistol Shooters [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 55-68]
Bahrami, Alireza
The Effect of Combining a Selected Movement Program Course with Fernald's Multisensory Training Method on the Handwriting Status of Elementary School Students with Dysgraphia [(Articles in Press)]
Bahrami, Fatimah
The effect of aerocombat exercises versus kata techniques training on social interactions of children with autism spectrum disorders: the role of marial arts nature [Volume 13, Issue 46, 2022, Pages 77-106]
Bahrami, Hajar
Effect of Play Therapy on the Short-Term Memory Disability Educable Children [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 73-88]
Bahrami, Leila
Validity and Reliability of Persian Version of the Bodybuilding Dependence Scale [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 71-88]
Bahreini Boroojeni, Iman
Mental Fatigue Impair the Effect of Feedback to Successful Trials in Motor Learning [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 135-150]
Balali, Marzieh
The effect of individual and group games on Social skills and Self-efficacy in children with developmental coordination disorder [(Articles in Press)]
Bandali, Elahe
Psychometric properties of the Perceived Motor Competence Questionnaire in Childhood [Volume 13, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 93-124]
Baniasadi, Tayebeh
The Effects of Balance Training and Focus of Attention on Sway in Postural and Supra-Postural Tasks in the Elderly Population [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 89-104]
Banitalebi, Ebrahim
The effects of different exercise interventions on mobility and dynamic balance performance among Iranian older male and female, systematic review, and meta-analysis [Volume 13, Issue 46, 2022, Pages 165-200]
Barzegar Kolour, Fereshteh
Effect of Neurofeedback and Motor Training on Acquisition and Consolidation of Procedural Motor Performance [Volume 15, Issue 51, 2023, Pages 91-114]
Bassiri, Fatehe
The effect of yoga exercises on impulsivity and risky decision-making in young men offenders [Volume 16, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 145-158]
Bayatpour, Maryam
The Effect of Fine Motor Activities on Development and Improving Attention in Girls Students with Emphasis on the Montessori Method [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 33-50]
Bazooband, Somayeh
The Effects of Instructions Attention Focus Internal and External on Learning Protection Dynamic Balance in Children with Mental Retardation [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 95-110]
Bdoli, Behrooz
Effect of warm and cold colors on athletes’ depth perception in ball and no ball games [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 43-54]
Beglari, Morteza
The effect of acute aerobic exercise mode on response inhibition in athletics [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 85-102]
Beheshti, Samira
The Effect of Postural Strategies Training on the Balance of Women with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 17-38]
Behnam, Mohsen
The Effect of Quiet Eye Training on Learning Skills of Table Tennis [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 53-68]
Behpoor, Naser
Cognition, Balance and Gait in Elderly with Dementia: a Motor Cognitive Approach to Reducing Risk of Falling [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 73-94]
Behzadnia, Behzad
Predicting students’ intention to continue physical activity and dropout intention in elementary school students [(Articles in Press)]
Behzadnia, Behzad
The Effect of Need-Supportive Environment on Basic Psychological Needs, Motivational Orientation, Well-being and Motor Learning in Students with Educable Intellectual Disability [(Articles in Press)]
Behzadniaa, Behzad
Investigating self-control approaches in learning and sports motivation; Emphasizing the role of Goal setting [(Articles in Press)]
Beik, Meysam
Effect of Content of Augmented Feedback on Acquisition, Retention, Transfer of Motor Skill and Intrinsic Motivation in Children and Adolescents: A Distinct Perception-Action in Novice and Skilled [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 49-74]
Besharat, Mohammad Ali
Predictive role of self-regulation and impulsivity in sport achievement: A comparison between contact and noncontact sports [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 131-146]
Borhani Dizaji, Narges
Effect of Solitary and Group Purposeful-Movement Plays on Visual-Motor Skills in Girls Aged Eight Years [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 59-86]
Borji, Majid
The Development of End-State Comfort Planning in an Object Manipulation Task [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 135-152]
Bund, Andreas
Comparing Intra-Limb Coordination and Timing of Performing a Baseball-Pitch in Skilled and Unskilled Pitchers with Emphasis on Different Movement Phases [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 29-48]
Chaharbaghi, Zahra
The Effects of the Visual Perspective of a Point-Light Model on the Learning of a Baseball Pitch: A Kinematic Study [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 47-60]
Chahardah Cherik, Majid
Comparison of Visual Skills in Soccer Referees with Fewer and More Mistakes [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 75-90]
Chamanian, Raziyeh
Effect of PETTLEP Mental Imagery and Physical Practice on Pre-motor and Motor Parts of Simple and Choice Reaction Time [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 17-38]
Chardah Cherik, Majid
The Effect & Survival of Core Stability Short Term Training on Static & Dynamic Balance in Children with delay in development of Balance [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 53-72]
CHitsaz, Ahmad
Effects of cognitive training on freezing of gait and some of its cognitive functions on old parkinson disease patients [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 87-108]
Damavandi, Mohsen
The effect of time of training and night sleep on enhancement of "accuracy" and "timing" components of fine motor skill [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 185-204]
Dana, Amir
The Effect of Education Based on the Developmental Physical Education on Students’ Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 17-34]
Dana, Amir
The Effect of Manipulating Attentional Focus on Performance of Top-Spine Strike of Skilled and Novice Table Tennis Players Under High Psychological Pressure [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 67-88]
Dana, Amir
Comparison of The Effect of Perceptual-Motor and Resistance-Balancing Practices on Behavioral Disorders in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 67-86]
Dana, Amir
The Effects of the Visual Perspective of a Point-Light Model on the Learning of a Baseball Pitch: A Kinematic Study [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 47-60]
Dana, Amir
The effect of yoga exercises on impulsivity and risky decision-making in young men offenders [Volume 16, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 145-158]
Daneshfar, Afkham
The Effect of Exercise Positional Arrangement (Individual, Dyad, Group) on Acquisition and Retention of Rope-Jumping Skills in School Children [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 153-166]
Daneshfar, Afkham
Comparison of Motor and Cognitive Development between Typically Developing Preschool Children and Children Born Low Birth Weight [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 129-140]
Daneshfar, Afkham
The Effects of Type, Correctness, and Time of Precue Presentation on Choice Reaction Time: The Study of Inhibition of Return Theory [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 35-48]
Daneshfar, Afkham
The Effect of Rotational Exercises on Balance by Manipulating Visual and Proprioception Senses [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 69-84]
Daneshfar, Afkham
The Effect of Physical Activity and Virtual Reality on Functional Balance in Spastic Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy [(Articles in Press)]
Daneshyar, Elham
The Validity and Reliability of Ulrich – 3rd (TGMD-3) with Visual Support among Autism Boys [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 33-52]
Davari, Farzaneh
Effect of rhythmic exercise on perceptual – moving skills children with visual impairments [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 117-130]
Dehestani, Fatemeh
Validation of the Persian Version of Dynamic Gait Index in Multiple Sclerosis Diseases (4-Item) [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 117-132]
Dehghanizade, Jalal
Validation of the Persian Version of the Mental Training Questionnaire in Sport [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 121-144]
Dehghanizade, Jalal
The Effect of Game-Based Pedagogy on Performance, Decision Making and Meta-cognitive Behavior: Play Practice Approach [Volume 13, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 17-42]
Dehghanizade, Jalal
The Effect of Sports vision training and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on short-term visual memory and recognition memory of Volleyball Players [Volume 14, Issue 48, 2022, Pages 161-184]
Dehghanizade, Jalal
The effect of choosing the order of the type of practice on learning and motivational mechanisms and information processing in the task of targeting [Volume 15, Issue 52, 2023, Pages 127-152]
Dehghanizade, Jalal
Comparing the effectiveness of linear and non-linear training on metacognitive knowledge and Learning soccer dribbling skills [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 97-118]
Dehghanizadeh, Jalal
The effects of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise on working memory and mental rotation [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2015, Pages 147-162]
Dehghani Zadeh, Jalal
The Validity and Reliability of Ulrich – 3rd (TGMD-3) with Visual Support among Autism Boys [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 33-52]
Doostan, Mohammad Reza
The effect of change in different characteristics in movements of two hands on transfer of asymmetrical bimanual movement to its converse pattern [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 133-152]
Doustan, Mohammad Reza
The Effect of Handedness and Manipulation of the Index of Difficulty on the Behavioral and Neural Components of Speed-Accuracy Trade Off [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 121-150]
Doustan, Mohammad Reza
The Investigate the Components of Visual Tracking and the Amount of Spatial and Temporal Error in the Bilateral Targeting Task with Dominant and Non-Dominant Hands [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2020, Pages 131-160]
Ebrahimisani, Soghra
The Effect of Virtual Reality Training on Motor Imagery Capability of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 39-64]
Ebrahimi sani, Soghra
Procedural Motor Learning Facilitation and Consolida-tion by Neurofeedback [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 129-146]
Ebrahimzadeh, Fatemeh
Mapping of Co-occurrence of Scientific Products in the Field of Children's Physical Activity in the Open Space of Primary Schools [Volume 13, Issue 46, 2022, Pages 201-230]
Ebrahimzadeh, Fatemeh
Exploring the Effective Components in Enhancing the Physical Activity of Pupils in the Open Spaces of Primary Schools from the Perspective of Architects, Principals and their Deputies [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 39-70]
Eftekhari, Hadiseh
Comparison of the effect of special physical training and perceptual-motor programs on gait and the gross and fine motor skills of children with cerebral palsy [(Articles in Press)]
Emamian, Niloufar
The effect of motor imagery training on walking, fatigue and quality of life in women with multiple sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial [(Articles in Press)]
Enferadi Doughabadi, Azam
The effect of a period balance training and cognitive combination on postural sway women with multiple sclerosis [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 143-156]
Entezari, Marziyeh
Determine the Timing of the Circadian Rhythm in Physical Training and Motor Imagery on Learning Tennis on Table Forehand in Individuals with Different Circadian [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 51-70]
Entezari Khorasani, Zahra
The Effect of Skilled and Learning Model on Accuracy and Dynamic Characteristics Acquisition of Basketball Free Throw Skill [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 53-70]
Eshgarf, Sima
The Effect of Manipulating Attentional Focus on Performance of Top-Spine Strike of Skilled and Novice Table Tennis Players Under High Psychological Pressure [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 67-88]
Eskandarnejad, Mahta
Effect of physical training and neurofeedback on balance in patients with stroke [Volume 7, Issue 21, 2015, Pages 95-110]
Eskandarnejad, Mahta
Effect of a Course of Basketball Training Program on ADHD Children’s Sustained Attention [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 139-152]
Eskandarnejad, Mahta
Investigate the Effect of Aerobic Activity with and without Cognitive Load on Alerting Network of Attention [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 173-188]
Eskandarnejad, Mahta
Relationship between Refereeing Level and Type of Sport Field with Sport Referees’ Amount of Depth Perception Error in Cold and Warm Colors [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 147-160]
Eskandarnejad, Mahta
Assessment of Sedentary Student Aerobics Learning According to Cognitive Styles [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 49-62]
Eskandarnejad, Mahta
The Effect of Physical Activity with Different Levels of Cognitive Load on the Cingulate Cortex's Brain Waves [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 17-36]
Eslami, Rasol
The Effect of Regular Physical Activity on Changes of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, Intelligence Quotient and Motor Development of Mental Retardation Children’s [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 109-128]
Esmaeilzadeh, Mohammad Ali
Effect of Nested Task Constraints on Movement Velocity, Throwing Velocity and Accuracy in Elite Handball Players [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 97-112]
Esmaili Abdar, Mojtaba
Differences related to the distance effects of external focus of attention on static balance of the patients with multiple sclerosis [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 205-218]
Estiri, Zahra
The effect of time of training and night sleep on enhancement of "accuracy" and "timing" components of fine motor skill [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 185-204]
Estiri, Zahra
Design and Construction of Lifeguards’ Vigilance in Surveillance Questionnaire [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2015, Pages 105-126]
Estiri, Zahra
The Effect of Analogy, Explicit, and Combination Learning on Acquisition, Retention, and Transfer of Complex Motor Skill [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 119-136]
Fahimi, human
The effect of linear and non-linear training on individual and team creativity in futsal [Volume 13, Issue 45, 2022, Pages 159-184]
Faramarzi, Salar
The Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Selective Motor Training on Gross Motor Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 79-96]
Farazmand, soodabe
The Effect of Strength, Fingers Special Training and Combination of Them on the Speed and Accuracy of Fine Movements in Elderly Women [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 71-86]
Farookhi, Ahmad
The Effect of Dual Task, Single Task, and Combined Task on Older Adults’ Gait, with or without the Experience of Falling [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 61-82]
Farrokhi, Ahmad
The effect of exercise during pregnancy on health indexes of infants [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 71-84]
Farrokhi, Ahmad
The effect of training in water with and without Dolphin on gross motor skills of 8 years old children with autism spectrum disorder [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 171-184]
Farrokhi, Ahmad
Psychometric Characteristics of the Persian Version of «The Fear of Falling Avoidance Behavior Questionnaire» in Elderly [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 99-120]
Farsi, Alireza
Effect of warm and cold colors on athletes’ depth perception in ball and no ball games [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 43-54]
Farsi, Alireza
The effect of self-controlled observational practice and model’s skill level on badminton long serve [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2015, Pages 35-48]
Farsi, Alireza
Effect of increasing the distance of an external focus of attention on performance and kinematic of horizontal jump in skilled athletes [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 65-78]
Farsi, Alireza
Effect of Observing Different Kinds of Information during Observational Learning [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 17-38]
Farsi, Alireza
The Effect of the Second Task Complexity in Difference Time Interval on the First Task Reaction Time Based on Psychology Refractory Period Paradigm [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 103-120]
Farsi, Alireza
The Effect of Basketball Net's Height and Skill Level on the Emergence of the Especial Skill in Basketball Free Throwing [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 65-84]
Farsi, Alireza
The Effect of Skilled and Learning Model on Accuracy and Dynamic Characteristics Acquisition of Basketball Free Throw Skill [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 53-70]
Farsi, Alireza
The Effect of Six-Week Continuous and High Intensity Interval Aerobic Training before Cerebral Ischemia on spatial memory and BDNF level in Hippocampus Male Wistar Rat’s [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 35-52]
Farsi, Alireza
Effect of central and peripheral muscle fatigue contribution after ankle submaximal fatiguing contractions on muscle synergies and postural control [Volume 15, Issue 51, 2023, Pages 67-90]
Farsi, Alireza
Investigating the performance indicators differentiating winning and losing in basketball through the social network analysis [(Articles in Press)]
Farsi, Alireza
Effect of transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on attention networks and execution of basketball free throw [(Articles in Press)]
Farsi, Ali Reza
Perception-to-Action Transfer: The Role of Audiovisual Integration [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 35-46]
Farsi, Ali Reza
Comparison of Quiet Eye Duration and Accuracy of Performance in Jump Shot of Skilled and Less Skilled Basketball Players [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 51-66]
Farzad, Leila
The Effect of Handedness and Manipulation of the Index of Difficulty on the Behavioral and Neural Components of Speed-Accuracy Trade Off [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 121-150]
Fatahi, sima
The relationship between the affordance of home environment with motor and social development among Children 7-10 Years old: A Function of Ecological Theory [Volume 14, Issue 48, 2022, Pages 137-160]
Fathi Rezaei, Zahra
Assessment of Sedentary Student Aerobics Learning According to Cognitive Styles [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 49-62]
Fathirezaie, Zahra
Psychometrics of Farsi version of Subjective and Objective Physical Fitness Measurement Tools among Iranian Elderly [Volume 13, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 151-180]
Fathi Rezaie, Zahra
The Effect of Play in Natural Outdoor and Indoor Space on the Social and Perceptual Development of Preschool Children [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 103-120]
Fathizadeh, Ali
Effect of internal and close- or far-external attentional focus imagery on response time among skilled Karatekas [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 17-46]
Fazeli, David
The Comparison of two methods of variability on the learning of golf putting: Contextual Interference and Differential leaning [Volume 13, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 69-92]
Fazeli, Davoud
The effect of observing relative and absolute information on learning a novel skill [Volume 7, Issue 21, 2015, Pages 15-32]
Fazeli, Davoud
Effect of Observing Different Kinds of Information during Observational Learning [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 17-38]
Fazeli, Davoud
Comparing of Two Methods of Practice for Emerging Motor Flexibility in Basketball Free Throw Skill [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 17-28]
Fazeli, Davoud
The Effect of Task Constraint on Learning of Movement Pattern and Parameter during Observational Learning [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 17-34]
Fazeli, Davoud
Effect of Content of Augmented Feedback on Acquisition, Retention, Transfer of Motor Skill and Intrinsic Motivation in Children and Adolescents: A Distinct Perception-Action in Novice and Skilled [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 49-74]
Fazeli, Davoud
Investigating the similarity of action representation in real performance and observing basketball free throw in skilled and beginners: kinematic and eye movement pattern study [Volume 13, Issue 46, 2022, Pages 17-44]
Fazeli, Davoud
Effect of physical and mental practice on variability of movement coordination and smoothness [(Articles in Press)]
Fazeli, Davoud
Addressing the effect of contextual interference and errorless learning on performance under psychological pressure [(Articles in Press)]
Fazelinia, Zohreh
Comparison of The Effect of Perceptual-Motor and Resistance-Balancing Practices on Behavioral Disorders in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 67-86]
Fazel kalkhran, Jamal
Effect of Play Therapy on the Short-Term Memory Disability Educable Children [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 73-88]
Foroozandeh, Elham
Nature-based Physical Activity: A Semi-Experimental Study of the Effect of Gardening Activities on Children’s Perceptual-Motor development and drawing index [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 79-96]
Ghadiri, Farhad
The effect of focus of attention via verbal instructions on quickness of elite athletes [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 39-52]
Ghadiri, Farhad
Effects of Teacher Centered and Child Centered Approaches on Actual and Perceived Motor Competence of the Elementary School Girls [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 39-52]
Ghadiri, Farhad
Determine the Validity and Reliability Test Body Awareness Purdue Perceptual- Motor Survey [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 87-100]
Ghadiri, Farhad
Consolidation Based on Stabilization in Implicit Motor Memory [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 17-34]
Ghadiri, Farhad
The Role of stepping Exergame Trainings and Treadmill Walking on the Development of Physical Functions in Older Adults [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 125-142]
Ghadiri, Farhad
The Effect of Local Indigenous Games on Motor proficiency in Elementary School Boys in Tehran with High and Low Emotional Intelligence [Volume 13, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 85-100]
Ghadiri, Farhad
The effect of differential Education approach and attention instructions on futsal shoot retention and transfer [Volume 15, Issue 52, 2023, Pages 101-126]
Ghaeini, Saeed
The effect of acute aerobic exercise mode on response inhibition in athletics [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 85-102]
Ghafari, Bahram
The Effect of Selected Rainbow Parachute Games on Motor and Social Development of Pre-school Children [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 189-204]
Ghahremani, Mohammas Hosein
Predictive role of self-regulation and impulsivity in sport achievement: A comparison between contact and noncontact sports [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 131-146]
Ghalkhani, Manochehr
Investigating three methods of non-invasive intervention: somatosensory training, neurofeedback training and foot massage, on the balance of the elderly over 65 years old [(Articles in Press)]
Ghanbari, Iman
Effect of Sleep Deprivation Before Physical, Mental, Observational and Combined Training on the Acquisition and Retention of Badminton Short Service Skills [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 149-164]
Ghari, Borhan al-Din
The Effects of Three Instructional Approaches on Basketball Game Performance in University Students [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 63-84]
Ghasemi, Abdollah
Effect of selected visual and sport training program on visual skills [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 15-32]
Ghasemi, Abdollah
The Effect of Selected Rainbow Parachute Games on Motor and Social Development of Pre-school Children [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 189-204]
Ghasemi, Abdollah
Comparing Exercise Effects Regarding Learning In-Phase and Anti-Phase Movement Coordination in Arm and Legs [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 153-172]
Ghasemi, Abdollah
Comparison of Motor and Cognitive Development between Typically Developing Preschool Children and Children Born Low Birth Weight [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 129-140]
Ghasemi, Abdollah
Effect of Novice, Expert and Mixed Observational Models on Cognitive- Motor Task Learning [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 35-50]
Ghasemi, Abdollah
Comparison of Visual Impairments and Motor Problems between Children 3-7 Age Preterm and Term [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 87-106]
Ghasemi, Abdollah
The Comparison of Visual Skills between Expert and Novice Basketball Referees [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 17-32]
Ghasemi, Abdollah
The Relationship between Mother's Emotional Intelligence and Motor Development of Children: Structure Modeling with Intermediation of Mother's Physical Activity [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 17-38]
Ghasemi, Abdollah
Development and evaluation of the effectiveness of a selected movement program with structured, unstructured, and semi-structured on motor development of children aged 4 to 7 years [Volume 15, Issue 52, 2023, Pages 173-202]
Ghasemi, Abodollah
The Effect of Individual, Group and Cooperative Special Practices on the Cognitive and Social Function of Children Aged 9-12 Years with Development Coordination Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 177-194]
Ghasemian Moghadam, Hanieh
The Effect of Selected Perceptual ـMotor Exercises on Motor Proficiency of Children with Learning Disorder [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 51-68]
Ghasemian Moghadam, Mohammad Reza
The Relationship Between Skin Conductance and Post Error Slowing During Cognitive Task Performance in Soccer Referees [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 91-104]
Ghasemian Moghadam, Mohammad Reza
The Relative Contribution of Core Executive Functions in Shooting Performance Prediction [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 39-54]
Ghasemian Moghadam, Mohammad Reza
The effect of added feedback, knowledge of the result and execution using the simulator on the acquisition of shooting skills [(Articles in Press)]
Ghasemian Moghadam, Mohammad Reza
The relationship between motor motivation and enjoyment of physical activity in children [(Articles in Press)]
Ghazinoor, Nada
The Effects of a Training Course with an Emphasis on Fine Motor Skills on Executive Functions of Children with Learning Disorder [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 37-56]
Ghiami Rad, Amir
The Effect of Training, Individual Mode or Couple Mode, on The Extent of Learning Aerobics Among the Elderly [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2020, Pages 111-130]
Ghojoghi, Maryam
Effect of Task Constraints on Coordination Variability in Missed and Successful Trails of Chip Pass [Volume 11, Issue 38, 2020, Pages 97-114]
Gholami, Amin
Effect of selected visual and sport training program on visual skills [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 15-32]
Gholami, Amin
The Effect of Selected Rainbow Parachute Games on Motor and Social Development of Pre-school Children [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 189-204]
Gholami, Amin
The Relationship of Force Control and Adjustment of Dominant hand’s Angle to selected Psychological Traits in Athlete and Non-athlete Students [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 53-72]
Gholami, Amin
Effect of Walking Training on Artificial Cobblestone Mats on Gait Spatio-Temporal Parameters for the Elderly Women [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 71-86]
Gholami, Amin
Content Analysis and Comparison of Iranian Journals in Motor Behavior and Sport Psychology Domains [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 107-134]
Gholami, Amin
Effect of a fun virtual purposeful active play program on children's physical fitness during home quarantine due to the outbreak of Covid-19 [Volume 13, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 171-190]
Gholami, Sareh
The Investigate the Components of Visual Tracking and the Amount of Spatial and Temporal Error in the Bilateral Targeting Task with Dominant and Non-Dominant Hands [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2020, Pages 131-160]
Gholi Zadeh, Zahra
Psychometric Characteristics of the Persian Version of «Enjoyment Scale, Self-Efficacy and Social Support of Physical Activity in Children» [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 119-138]
Ghorbani, Saeed
Comparing Intra-Limb Coordination and Timing of Performing a Baseball-Pitch in Skilled and Unskilled Pitchers with Emphasis on Different Movement Phases [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 29-48]
Ghorbani, Saeed
Comparing Intra-Limb Coordination of Dart Throwing in Skilled and Novice Throwers: A Kinematic Study [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 171-192]
Ghorbanzadeh, Behrouz
The Effect of Inclusive Education System in Elementary Schools on Motor, Social and Emotional Development of Students with Intellectual Disability [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 105-124]
Ghorbanzadeh, Behrouz
Cognitive ability plays an important role in the relationship between motor skills and academic performance [Volume 15, Issue 52, 2023, Pages 153-174]
Ghorbanzadeh, Behrouz
The effect of Game Sense on improvement of basketball executive skills and non-practiced tasks performance in children with developmental coordination disorder [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 71-98]
Ghotbi, Mohsen
Effect of warm and cold colors on athletes’ depth perception in ball and no ball games [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 43-54]
Ghotbi, Mohsen
Comparison the gross motor skills development in healthy children and with thalassemia major [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 59-70]
Ghotbi varzaneh, Ahmad
Differences related to the distance effects of external focus of attention on static balance of the patients with multiple sclerosis [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 205-218]
Ghotbi Varzaneh, Ahmad
Intra-Performance Related Differences in Quiet Eye of Elite Pistol Shooters [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 55-68]
Ghotbi Varzaneh, Ahmad
The effect of sports vision training on decision making, gaze behavior and learning tennis serve skill [(Articles in Press)]
Golmohammadi, Behrooz
The effect of the selective balanced on ball and core resistance training program on the older females [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 105-122]
Gol Mohammadi, Behrooz
Psychometric Properties of Persian Shortened Version of the Falls Efficacy Scale-International in People with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 83-102]
Gomez Da Silva Machado, Daniel
The effect of virtual reality with and without transcranial direct current stimulation on the balance performance of sedentary adolescent girls [Volume 15, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 113-132]
Gorzi, Ali
The effect of systemic administration of insulin on spatial memory and learning in male rats [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 55-70]
Habibian Dehkordi, Morteza
The Effect & Survival of Core Stability Short Term Training on Static & Dynamic Balance in Children with delay in development of Balance [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 53-72]
Haghparast, abbasA
The Effect of Six-Week Continuous and High Intensity Interval Aerobic Training before Cerebral Ischemia on spatial memory and BDNF level in Hippocampus Male Wistar Rat’s [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 35-52]
Hamidi, Neda
Comparing of Motor Proficiency, Behavior and Educational Progress Preterm Children 8-10 Years with Term Children [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 89-104]
Hasanzade Sore, Shirin
The effect of cognitive training on the performance accuracy of elite athletes in pistol shooting [(Articles in Press)]
Hashemi, Somayeh
The Effects of Observational and Physical Practices on Electromyography Characteristics of Main Active Muscles in Badminton High Serve [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 173-187]
Hashemi Ahooei, Elahe
Consolidation Based on Stabilization in Implicit Motor Memory [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 17-34]
Hassanlouie, Hamidollah
Effect of central and peripheral muscle fatigue contribution after ankle submaximal fatiguing contractions on muscle synergies and postural control [Volume 15, Issue 51, 2023, Pages 67-90]
Hatami, Farzaneh
The Effects of Sensory Modalities of Mental Imagery on Learning Lay-up Shot in Basketball [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 173-188]
Hatami, Farzaneh
The Effects of Model Skill Level on Mu Rhythm Suppression in Basketball Lay- up Shot [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 141-154]
Hatami, Farzaneh
The Effects of Neurofeedback Training with a Focus on Handedness on Learning of Dart Throwing Skill [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 109-128]
Hatami, Farzaneh
The Effect of Model’s Skill Level and Frequency of Feedback on Learning a Simple Serial Aiming Task [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 17-34]
Hatami bahmanbegloo, zeinab
Effect of central and peripheral muscle fatigue contribution after ankle submaximal fatiguing contractions on muscle synergies and postural control [Volume 15, Issue 51, 2023, Pages 67-90]
Hedayati, Azam
The Effects of Neurofeedback Training with a Focus on Handedness on Learning of Dart Throwing Skill [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 109-128]
Heidari, Mehdi
The effect of visual occlusion training on the performance of Forehand Drive in unskilled Table Tennis players [Volume 15, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 31-46]
Heidarian, Sepideh
Psychometric Characteristics of the Persian Version of «The Fear of Falling Avoidance Behavior Questionnaire» in Elderly [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 99-120]
Heirani, Ali
Cognition, Balance and Gait in Elderly with Dementia: a Motor Cognitive Approach to Reducing Risk of Falling [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 73-94]
Heirani, Ali
Comparison of Visual Impairments and Motor Problems between Children 3-7 Age Preterm and Term [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 87-106]
Hejazi Dinan, Parisa
Comparing of Motor Proficiency, Behavior and Educational Progress Preterm Children 8-10 Years with Term Children [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 89-104]
Hejazi Dinan, Parisa
The Effectiveness of Enabling Environment for IQ, Excellence, and Social Skills: A Function of Dynamic Systems Theory [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 69-88]
Helalizadeh, Masoomeh
Content Analysis and Comparison of Iranian Journals in Motor Behavior and Sport Psychology Domains [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 107-134]
Hemayattalab, Rasool
The Effects of Environmental Affordances on Perception of Vision and Balance in Children with Intellectual Disability [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 165-182]
Hemayat-talab, Rasool
The Effect of Selective and Compulsive Video Augmented Information on Motor Learning of Basketball Jump Shot: with Emphasizing on the Challenge Point Theory [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 143-166]
Hemayat Talab, Rasool
The relationship between behavioral disorders, coping strategies and emotional intelligence in young athletes [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 141-156]
Heyrani, Ali
The effect of virtual reality with and without transcranial direct current stimulation on the balance performance of sedentary adolescent girls [Volume 15, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 113-132]
Homayoon nia Firoozjah, Morteza
The relationship between behavioral disorders, coping strategies and emotional intelligence in young athletes [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 141-156]
Homayoon Nia Firoozjah, Morteza
The Effect of Perceptual-Motor exercises on The Working Memory of Students with Special Learning Disabilities with Math Problems [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 105-120]
Homayounnia, Morteza
The Effects of Environmental Affordances on Perception of Vision and Balance in Children with Intellectual Disability [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 165-182]
Hooshyari, Faramarz
Development and evaluation of the effectiveness of a selected movement program with structured, unstructured, and semi-structured on motor development of children aged 4 to 7 years [Volume 15, Issue 52, 2023, Pages 173-202]
Hoseini, Azadeh
The Effect of Regular Physical Activity on Changes of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, Intelligence Quotient and Motor Development of Mental Retardation Children’s [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 109-128]
Hoseini, Fatemeh
The effects of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise on working memory and mental rotation [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2015, Pages 147-162]
Hoseini, Fatemeh
Effect of external and internal focus of attention instructions in field dependence and independence on performance and learning of dart throwing [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 131-148]
Hoseini, Fatemeh Sadat
Prediction of aggression in male body builders emphasizing on narcissism and body perception [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 73-84]
Hosseini, Fatemeh Sadat
Effect of Psycho-Rehabilitation on Perceptual-Motor Proficiency of Children with Down Syndrome [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 113-128]
Hosseini, Fatemeh Sadat
The Effect of Quiet Eye Training on Learning Skills of Table Tennis [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 53-68]
Hosseini, Fatemeh Sadat
The Effects of Motor-Motor and Motor- Cognitive Dual Task Training on Balance and Working Memory Among Older Women [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 89-106]
Hosseini, Fatemeh Sadat
The Effect of Sports vision training and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on short-term visual memory and recognition memory of Volleyball Players [Volume 14, Issue 48, 2022, Pages 161-184]
Hosseiny, Sayyed Hossein
The Effects of Skin Conductance Biofeedback on Elite Shooters’ Performance [Volume 14, Issue 48, 2022, Pages 109-136]
Hosseinzadeh Asl, Fatemeh
Comparing the Effectiveness of Various Cognitive-Motor Interventions on Dynamic Balance of Elderly Women [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 47-72]
Houminian Sharifabadi, Davoud
Modeling Dynamic Factors Affecting Gross Motor Development Milestone 9-12 Months Old Infant s with Using Structural Equation [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 149-168]
Irandoust, Khadijeh
The Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor and Attention of Elderly Females [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 153-164]
Irani, Raziyeh
Content Analysis and Comparison of Iranian Journals in Motor Behavior and Sport Psychology Domains [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 107-134]
Isanejad, Amin
The Effect of Regular Physical Activity on Changes of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, Intelligence Quotient and Motor Development of Mental Retardation Children’s [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 109-128]
Iwatsuki, Takehiro
The effect of task-irrelevant choices on children's motor learning in stereotypical conditions [(Articles in Press)]
Jaberi Moghadam, Ali Akbar
Correlation between changes in balance and fall-related psychological and functional measures of men older adults after a combined training program [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 55-72]
Jaberi Moghadam, Ali Akbar
Effect of Nested Task Constraints on Movement Velocity, Throwing Velocity and Accuracy in Elite Handball Players [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 97-112]
Jaberimoqadam, Ali Akbar
The Effect of Errorless, Error Full Practice and Scaling Equipment Methods on Learning of Basketball Free Throw Skill in Children [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 115-134]
Jafari, Simin
The Effect of Skill level and Conditions’ Predictability on Taekwondo Players’ Timing [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 47-60]
Jahadian Sarvestani, Hajar
Modeling Dynamic Factors Affecting Gross Motor Development Milestone 9-12 Months Old Infant s with Using Structural Equation [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 149-168]
Jahangiri, Mohamad
Coach-created motivational climate, psychological needs, intrinsic motivation and continued sport participation among female adolescent athletes [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 171-184]
Jahansouz, omid
Effect of transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on attention networks and execution of basketball free throw [(Articles in Press)]
Jahedi, Maryam
Relationship between Refereeing Level and Type of Sport Field with Sport Referees’ Amount of Depth Perception Error in Cold and Warm Colors [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 147-160]
Jahromian, Moloud
Compare the Effect of a Period of Selected Training Program in Green and Indoor Spaces on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Girls Seven to 11 Years [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 51-72]
Jamshidi, Akbar
Analysis of regression mechanisms of defense and emotional intelligence in the elite martial arts athletes [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 85-104]
Jamshidi, Akbar
The affection of a period of selected exercising program on improving manipulative skills in children with developmental coordination disorder (CDC) [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 15-30]
Javdipour, Mohammad
Identifying Components of Effective Physical Education Teacher and Assessing Its Status in Zanjan Schools [Volume 11, Issue 38, 2020, Pages 47-70]
Jokar Tange karami, Somayeh
Analysis of regression mechanisms of defense and emotional intelligence in the elite martial arts athletes [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 85-104]
Jokar Tang Karami, Somayeh
The affection of a period of selected exercising program on improving manipulative skills in children with developmental coordination disorder (CDC) [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 15-30]
Jourabloo, samira
The Effect of augmented feedback to successful and unsuccessful trials depends on the type of focus of attention [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2015, Pages 127-146]
Kalantari, Parisa
Effects of Task Constraints on Throwing Patterns of Children [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 105-126]
Kashani, Valiallah
Psychometric properties and normalization of Persian version of the young experience survey in sport [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 111-142]
Kashani, Valiollah
Psychometric Properties of Persian Shortened Version of the Falls Efficacy Scale-International in People with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 83-102]
Kashani, Valiollah
The Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the Sport Imagery Questionnaire for Children (SIQ-C) [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 153-172]
Kashani, Valiollah
Psychometric Characteristics of the Persian Version of «Enjoyment Scale, Self-Efficacy and Social Support of Physical Activity in Children» [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 119-138]
Kashani, Valiollah
The Effect of Circadian Rhythms and Variability of Physical Practice on the Enhancement based Consolidation Process in Explicit Motor Memory [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 87-108]
Kashani, Valiollah
Validation of the Persian version of Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale in Children [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 17-36]
Kashani, Valiollah
The Effects of Based on Error Learning and Practice Variability on Performance Accuracy and Mental Effort [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 37-50]
Kashani, Vali Ollah
Validity and Reliability of Persian Version of the Bodybuilding Dependence Scale [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 71-88]
Kashani, Vali Ollah
Validation of the Persian Version of Dynamic Gait Index in Multiple Sclerosis Diseases (4-Item) [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 117-132]
Kashi, Ali
The effect of Sport on social and emotional maturity of female university students [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2015, Pages 15-34]
Kashi, Ali
Effect of a period of selected training program on planning and problem solving of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 7, Issue 21, 2015, Pages 161-176]
Kashi, Ali
Effects of a period of selected training program on the working memory of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 149-162]
Kashi, Ali
Consideration to different view of abilities: The effect of generic versus non-generic feedback on motor learning of mentally disabled children [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 15-32]
Kashi, Ali
The Effect of Inclusive Education System in Elementary Schools on Motor, Social and Emotional Development of Students with Intellectual Disability [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 105-124]
Kashi, Ali
Comparison of the Efficacy of Instructor-Based and Parent-Based Interventions on Social Development, Emotional Development and Cognitive Development in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 121-148]
Kashi, Ali
Edition of special educational, training package for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and evaluation the effect of this package on Autistic traits [Volume 13, Issue 46, 2022, Pages 131-164]
Kashi, Ali
The effect of cognitive training on the performance accuracy of elite athletes in pistol shooting [(Articles in Press)]
Kashi, Ali
Development and evaluation of the effectiveness of a selected movement program with structured, unstructured, and semi-structured on motor development of children aged 4 to 7 years [Volume 15, Issue 52, 2023, Pages 173-202]
Kashi, Ali
The of specialized exercises package for students with Down syndrome: the principles of exercise, the best type of sports practices and the details of prescription of the exercise program [Volume 16, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 109-130]
Kashtidar, Mohammad
Validity and Reliability the test of performance strategies (TOPS) for Iranian adult athletes [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 31-46]
Kaviani, Akram
The Effect of Basketball Net's Height and Skill Level on the Emergence of the Especial Skill in Basketball Free Throwing [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 65-84]
Kavian Pour, Mohadeseh
The Effect of Six-Week Continuous and High Intensity Interval Aerobic Training before Cerebral Ischemia on spatial memory and BDNF level in Hippocampus Male Wistar Rat’s [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 35-52]
Kavyani, Maryam
The Effect of the Second Task Complexity in Difference Time Interval on the First Task Reaction Time Based on Psychology Refractory Period Paradigm [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 103-120]
Kazemin, Abdolreza
The Effect of Regular Physical Activity on Changes of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, Intelligence Quotient and Motor Development of Mental Retardation Children’s [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 109-128]
Kazem Nejad, Anooshirvan
Correlation between changes in balance and fall-related psychological and functional measures of men older adults after a combined training program [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 55-72]
Keshvari, Fatemeh
The effect of different dosages of nicotine on psychomotor performance in athletes and non-athletes [Volume 7, Issue 21, 2015, Pages 77-94]
Keyhani, Fatemeh
The effect of a period of physical activity on the development object control skills in high function autism children's (HFA) [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 103-116]
Khajavi, Darush
Correlation between changes in balance and fall-related psychological and functional measures of men older adults after a combined training program [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 55-72]
Khajavi, Darush
Validity and Reliability of Farsi Translated of "Exercise Dependence Scale-Revised" [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 111-132]
Khajavi, Daryoush
The Effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation program On Balance and Gait in Man Schizophrenia patients with Depression Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 65-90]
Khajavi, Daryoush
Intra-Performance Related Differences in Quiet Eye of Elite Pistol Shooters [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 55-68]
Khajavi, Daryoush
The effect of sports vision training on decision making, gaze behavior and learning tennis serve skill [(Articles in Press)]
Khaksar Boldaji, Mehrangiz
The Effect of Pairing the Personality Characteristic of Competitiveness, Non-Competitiveness and Training Environment in Observational Practice on Learning of Dart Throwing [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 103-116]
Khalaji, Hasan
The Effect of Swimming Training and Practice on the Kinesthesia of Boys with Visual Impairment [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 17-28]
Khalaji, Maryam
The Effect of Functional Training on the Number of Movement Units of Reaching to Objects with Different Shapes and Sizes in a 6-year-old Girl with Down Syndrome [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 137-152]
Khalilian, Fateme
Psychometric properties of the Perceived Motor Competence Questionnaire in Childhood [Volume 13, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 93-124]
Khanmohamadi, Razieh
The Effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation program On Balance and Gait in Man Schizophrenia patients with Depression Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 65-90]
Kheirkhiz, Mohammad Mehdi
The effect of increasing distance of external attention on electromyography in dart throwing [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 51-64]
Khezri, Abdorrahman
The relative age effect in attending in the highest level of sport and winning medals in Iranian taekwondo athletes [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 165-186]
Khoeini, Parisa
Identifying Components of Effective Physical Education Teacher and Assessing Its Status in Zanjan Schools [Volume 11, Issue 38, 2020, Pages 47-70]
Khojasteh Moghani, Milad
Mental Fatigue Impair the Effect of Feedback to Successful Trials in Motor Learning [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 135-150]
Khoramian, Mahdiyeh
The effect of the selective balanced on ball and core resistance training program on the older females [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 105-122]
Khoshbakhti, Jafar
Validity and Reliability the test of performance strategies (TOPS) for Iranian adult athletes [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 31-46]
Khosrowabadi, Reza
Changes of postural sway in narrow-base stance by concurrently performing cognitive task [Volume 13, Issue 45, 2022, Pages 135-158]
Kordi, Hasan
The Relationship of Force Control and Adjustment of Dominant hand’s Angle to selected Psychological Traits in Athlete and Non-athlete Students [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 53-72]
Kordi, Hassan
Comparing the Effect of Task-Oriented Approach Intervention with Ordinary Activity on Gross Motor Development of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 17-34]
Kosari, Saeed
The effect of a period of physical activity on the development object control skills in high function autism children's (HFA) [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 103-116]
Laporta, Lorenzo
Investigating the performance indicators differentiating winning and losing in basketball through the social network analysis [(Articles in Press)]
Letafatkar, Amir
The effect of six weeks of linear pedagogy on the kinematics pattern of walking in 3-5 years old children [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 37-58]
Lotfi, Gholamreza
The effect of balance & strength exercise training on static balance and isometric strength in girl students with mental retardation [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 33-48]
Lotfi, Gholamreza
The Effect of Model’s Skill Level and Frequency of Feedback on Learning a Simple Serial Aiming Task [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 17-34]
Lotfi, Hamid
Effects of Parenting Styles on Fundamental Movement Skills of 5 to 6 Years Old Children [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 133-150]
Lotfi, Maryam
The effect of error estimation and frequency of feedback in learning motor and cognitive tasks [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 119-140]
Lotfi, Maryam
The effects of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise on working memory and mental rotation [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2015, Pages 147-162]
Lotfi, Maryam
Effects of Virtual Reality and Reality Training with and without Auditory Information limitation on Motor Learning Table Tennis Forehand [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 89-108]
Maghsoodi, Mitra
Comparison of Motor and Cognitive Development between Typically Developing Preschool Children and Children Born Low Birth Weight [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 129-140]
Mahmoodifar, Elham
The Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Selective Motor Training on Gross Motor Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 79-96]
Majdi Nasab, Nastran
Application of challenge point framework to improve the mobility in patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 167-182]
Makki, Rezvaneh
Comparing Intra-Limb Coordination of Dart Throwing in Skilled and Novice Throwers: A Kinematic Study [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 171-192]
Makvandi, Neda
Effect of school playground activities on behavioral incompatibilities among 7-11 years students with intellectual disability [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2020, Pages 37-54]
Maleki, Farzad
The Effect of Selective and Compulsive Video Augmented Information on Motor Learning of Basketball Jump Shot: with Emphasizing on the Challenge Point Theory [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 143-166]
Maleki, Farzad
Comparing the effectiveness of linear and non-linear training on metacognitive knowledge and Learning soccer dribbling skills [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 97-118]
Maleki, Mohammad
The effect of acute aerobic exercise mode on response inhibition in athletics [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 85-102]
Maleki, Mohammad
Does Experience Can Mediate the Relationship between Verbal Tactical Knowledge and Tactical Behavior in Soccer School Players? [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2020, Pages 161-186]
Malekirad, Aliakbar
The Effect of Combining a Selected Movement Program Course with Fernald's Multisensory Training Method on the Handwriting Status of Elementary School Students with Dysgraphia [(Articles in Press)]
Mansouri, Maryam
Comparison the effect of Instructional and Motivational Self-Talk on Performance and Learning of Handball Skills [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 87-112]
Mansourjozan, Zahra
The Effect of Aerobic, Resistance and Combination Exercises During Pregnancy on the Development of Fine and Gross Motor Skills of 12 Months Old Children [Volume 11, Issue 38, 2020, Pages 17-34]
Mashhadi, Ali
Effect of a period of selected training program on planning and problem solving of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 7, Issue 21, 2015, Pages 161-176]
Mashhadi, Ali
Effects of a period of selected training program on the working memory of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 149-162]
Mehdizadeh saradj, Fatemeh
Mapping of Co-occurrence of Scientific Products in the Field of Children's Physical Activity in the Open Space of Primary Schools [Volume 13, Issue 46, 2022, Pages 201-230]
Mehdizadeh saradj, Fatemeh
Exploring the Effective Components in Enhancing the Physical Activity of Pupils in the Open Spaces of Primary Schools from the Perspective of Architects, Principals and their Deputies [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 39-70]
Mehrabian, Ghobad
Validity and Reliability of Farsi Translated of "Exercise Dependence Scale-Revised" [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 111-132]
Mehranmanesh, Mehrab
Learning Outcomes of Hybrid Pedagogies in the Context of Physical Education: A Systematic Review [(Articles in Press)]
Mehranmanesh, Mehrab
Outcomes of Linear and Non-Linear Pedagogy in Learning Sport and Motor Skills: A Systematic Review [Volume 16, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 75-108]
Mehrjoo, Maryam
The effect of time of training and night sleep on enhancement of "accuracy" and "timing" components of fine motor skill [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 185-204]
Memarmoghaddam, Mozhgan
Effect of a period of selected training program on planning and problem solving of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 7, Issue 21, 2015, Pages 161-176]
Memarmoghaddam, Mozhgan
Effects of a period of selected training program on the working memory of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 149-162]
Memar Moghaddam, Mozhgan
The Effect of Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation During Gait Training on Kinematic Parameters of Gait in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 149-164]
Meshkati, Zohreh
The effects of associative and dissociative focus of attention and level of skill in tennis service of volleyball under psychological pressure [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 105-118]
Meshkati, Zohreh
The Impact of Prismatic Adaptation of Visual System on Postural Control and Dart Throwing Precision [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 101-114]
Meshkati, Zohreh
Psychometrics of the Persian version of the Learning, Executive and Attention Functional Scale (LEAF) in Athletes [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 99-142]
Meshkati, Zohreh
The effect of High intensity interval training (HIIT) and dietary supplement curcumin on cognitive function and the level of stress markers in the brain of male Balb/C mice exposed to lead nitrate [Volume 15, Issue 52, 2023, Pages 69-100]
Meshkati, Zohreh
Compilation of a training and support program for parents based on empirical evidence in the competition season: an action research study [(Articles in Press)]
Mirdamadi, Motahareh
Effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on performance of basketball free throws in skilled basketball players [Volume 16, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 17-34]
Mirzarazi Dehaghi, Roya
The Comparison of Immobilization Stress on Learning and Spatial Memory in Young and Old Male Rats [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 165-178]
Mobayen, Farzin
Effect of a Course of Basketball Training Program on ADHD Children’s Sustained Attention [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 139-152]
Moeinirad, Samira
Comparison of Quiet Eye Duration and Accuracy of Performance in Jump Shot of Skilled and Less Skilled Basketball Players [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 51-66]
Moeini Rad, Samira
Comparison of anticipation skills and visual search behaviors of skilled and novice basketball players in different positions attack (1 on 1,3 on 3) [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 15-32]
Mohamadi, Leila
The Effectiveness of Enabling Environment for IQ, Excellence, and Social Skills: A Function of Dynamic Systems Theory [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 69-88]
Mohamadi, Zahra
The Effect of 8 Weeks of Core Stability Training on Static and Dynamic Balance In Mentally Retarded Children 8 to 10 Years [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 105-118]
Mohamad Zadeh, Hasan
Effects of Virtual Reality and Reality Training with and without Auditory Information limitation on Motor Learning Table Tennis Forehand [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 89-108]
Mohammadi, Fatemeh
Effect of motor imagery and action observation combination on learning of Badminton high serve in different age group with emphasis on role of mirror neuron [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 113-138]
Mohammadi, Jafar
The effect of error estimation and frequency of feedback in learning motor and cognitive tasks [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 119-140]
Mohammadi, Mohsen
Effect of different intensities of physical activity on postural sway motor variability in vertical standing position [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 147-162]
Mohammadi, Mohsen
Identifying Self-Organization Maps in the Iranian National Soccer Team from the Perspective of Social Networking Theory: An Analysis of the offensive Performance in the 2018 World Cup Matches [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 69-86]
Mohammadi Oranghi, Behzad
The effect of Eight Weeks Aerobic Rhythmic Exercises with Music on Motor Proficiency, Anxiety and Depression in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 57-70]
Mohammadi Oranghi, Behzad
Effect of Aerobic Rhythmic Exercises with Music on Emotional Intelligence and Motor Proficiency in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 53-66]
Mohammadi Oranghi, Behzad
Cognitive ability plays an important role in the relationship between motor skills and academic performance [Volume 15, Issue 52, 2023, Pages 153-174]
Mohammadi Oranghi, Behzad
The Effect of Local Indigenous Games on Motor proficiency in Elementary School Boys in Tehran with High and Low Emotional Intelligence [Volume 13, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 85-100]
Mohammadi Oranghi, Behzad
Investigating the role of motor learning strategies on improving team creativity in beginner soccer’s [(Articles in Press)]
Mohammadi Orangi, Behzad
The Relationship between IQ and Emotional Intelligence with Motor Proficiency in Boys’ 10-14-Year-Old in Tehran [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 65-78]
Mohammadi Sanavi, Hossein
Predicting students’ intention to continue physical activity and dropout intention in elementary school students [(Articles in Press)]
Mohammadzade, Hasan
Procedural Motor Learning Facilitation and Consolida-tion by Neurofeedback [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 129-146]
Mohammadzade, Hassan
Effect of Time Constraints on Quiet Eye and Performance in basketball players [Volume 14, Issue 48, 2022, Pages 43-62]
Mohammad Zade, Hassan
Comparing Visual Search Behavior Among the Expert and Novice Basketball Players Under Temporal Constraints [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 85-98]
Mohammadzadeh, Hasan
Prediction of aggression in male body builders emphasizing on narcissism and body perception [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 73-84]
Mohammadzadeh, Hasan
The effect of motivational changes and vision training on visual skills, alpha wave and learning golf skills [(Articles in Press)]
Mohammadzadeh, Hasan
The effect of external focus attention and autonomy-support on learning of a motor targeting task [Volume 15, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 69-82]
Mohammadzadeh, Hassan
Effect of Neurofeedback and Motor Training on Acquisition and Consolidation of Procedural Motor Performance [Volume 15, Issue 51, 2023, Pages 91-114]
Mohammad Zadeh, Hasan
The Effects of Three Instructional Approaches on Basketball Game Performance in University Students [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 63-84]
Mohammad Zadeh, Hassan
The Role of Task Constraints Manipulation on Learning of Skills and Strategies of Basketball by Nonlinear Pedagogy (TGFU) [Volume 11, Issue 38, 2020, Pages 115-128]
Mohseni, Morteza
The Comparison Effects of Individual and Group Competition on Acquisition and Retention of a Sport Skill [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 17-32]
Moin, Farzaneh
The effects of associative and dissociative focus of attention and level of skill in tennis service of volleyball under psychological pressure [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 105-118]
Mokaberian, Mansooreh
The effect of exercise during pregnancy on health indexes of infants [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 71-84]
Mokaberian, Mansooreh
The Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the Sport Imagery Questionnaire for Children (SIQ-C) [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 153-172]
Mokaberian, Mansooreh
Validation of the Persian version of Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale in Children [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 17-36]
Mokaberian, Mansoureh
The effect of tactile kinetic stimulations by mother on physical growth of preterm infants [Volume 7, Issue 21, 2015, Pages 145-160]
Mokaberian, Monireh
The Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the Sport Imagery Questionnaire for Children (SIQ-C) [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 153-172]
Mokammeli Jahromi, Mina
The Effect of Analogy, Explicit, and Combination Learning on Acquisition, Retention, and Transfer of Complex Motor Skill [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 119-136]
Mokari Saei, Sima
The Effects of the Visual Perspective of a Point-Light Model on the Learning of a Baseball Pitch: A Kinematic Study [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 47-60]
Mokhtari, Mahyar
Effect of Content of Augmented Feedback on Acquisition, Retention, Transfer of Motor Skill and Intrinsic Motivation in Children and Adolescents: A Distinct Perception-Action in Novice and Skilled [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 49-74]
Mokhtari, Pouneh
The combination effect of action observation, motor imagery and physical training differences methods on stability of in-phase and anti-phase movements [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 109-130]
Mokkaberian, Mansooreh
The Effect of Exercise Intervention on Executive Function and Cognitive Flexibility in 8-10 Years Old Boys with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 11, Issue 38, 2020, Pages 35-46]
Molakhah, Ziba
The relationship between developmental affordances and perceived motor competence in preschool children [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 133-148]
Molanorouzi, Keyvan
The Relationship between Mother's Emotional Intelligence and Motor Development of Children: Structure Modeling with Intermediation of Mother's Physical Activity [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 17-38]
Mollaei Zangi, Fariba
Assessment of Sedentary Student Aerobics Learning According to Cognitive Styles [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 49-62]
Molla Noroozi, Keyvan
The Effect of Postural Strategies Training on the Balance of Women with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 17-38]
Molla Noroozi, Keyvan
The effect of cognitive training on the performance accuracy of elite athletes in pistol shooting [(Articles in Press)]
Molla Noroozi, Keyvan
Development and evaluation of the effectiveness of a selected movement program with structured, unstructured, and semi-structured on motor development of children aged 4 to 7 years [Volume 15, Issue 52, 2023, Pages 173-202]
Molla Noroozi, Keyvan
The Effect of Physical Activity and Virtual Reality on Functional Balance in Spastic Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy [(Articles in Press)]
Momenzadeh, Morvarid
The Effects of Based on Error Learning and Practice Variability on Performance Accuracy and Mental Effort [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 37-50]
Moradi, Hadi
The effect of aerocombat exercises versus kata techniques training on social interactions of children with autism spectrum disorders: the role of marial arts nature [Volume 13, Issue 46, 2022, Pages 77-106]
Moradi, Jalil
Interaction Between Individual, Environment and Task in Motor Learning: The Effects of Competitive Atmosphere and Mental Toughness in Learning Two Simple and Complex Sport Skills [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 85-104]
Moradi, Jalil
Psychometric properties of Persian version of the Perceived Physical Literacy Instrument (PPLI) [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 161-186]
Moradi, Nahid
The Effect of Task Constraint on Learning of Movement Pattern and Parameter during Observational Learning [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 17-34]
Moradi Farsani, Nahid
The Effect of Video Modeling and in Vivo Modeling on Acquisition, Retention and Transmission of a Throwing Skill in Children with Autism [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 35-48]
Mosadegh, Younes
The Effect of Cognitive Task on Postural Sway in Multiple Sclerosis Patients [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 17-32]
Moshiri, Parisa
Comparing of Self-Regulated Learning Strategies on the Learning of Volleyball Service [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 155-172]
Motesharei, Ebrahim
Determination of factorial validity and reliability of persian version of test of performance strategies-2 (TOPS-2) [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 15-42]
Mousavi, Afrooz
Introducing the Sport Success Scale (SSS) [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 123-142]
Mousavi, Seyede Houriye
The Comparison of two methods of variability on the learning of golf putting: Contextual Interference and Differential leaning [Volume 13, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 69-92]
Mousavi, Seyed Kazem
Comparison of the Effect of Nonlinear Pedagogy on Emergence of Coordination Patterns in Low Badminton Backhand Serve [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 107-124]
Mousavi, Seyyed mohammadreza
The effect of task-irrelevant choices on children's motor learning in stereotypical conditions [(Articles in Press)]
Movahedi, Ahmadreza
Effects of selected aerobic activities on body self-concept of women with breast cancer undergoing radiotherapy post mastectomy [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 163-176]
Movahedi, Ahmadreza
Effects of Different Variations of Physical Practice and Mental Imagery on Shoulder Joint Degree of Freedom (range of motion) of Women with Breast Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy Post Radical Mastectomy [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 153-172]
Movahedi, Ahmadreza
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Aaerobic Versus Pilates Training on Cognitive Function of Elderly Females [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 29-46]
Movahedi, Ahmadreza
The Effect of Delacato Sensorimotor Training on Dysgraphia of 9 to 11-year-old Female Students [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 89-104]
Movahedi, Ahmadreza
Effect of Yoga on Anxiety of Parents and Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 139-152]
Movahedi, Ahmadreza
The Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Selective Motor Training on Gross Motor Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 79-96]
Movahedi, Ahmadreza
Effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on performance of basketball free throws in skilled basketball players [Volume 16, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 17-34]
Movahedi, Ahmadreza
The effect of aerocombat exercises versus kata techniques training on social interactions of children with autism spectrum disorders: the role of marial arts nature [Volume 13, Issue 46, 2022, Pages 77-106]
Movahedi, Ahmadreza
Motor Dependence; Concept and Theory, a neuroscience based approach [(Articles in Press)]
Movahedi, Ahmad Reza
The Effect of Pairing the Personality Characteristic of Competitiveness, Non-Competitiveness and Training Environment in Observational Practice on Learning of Dart Throwing [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 103-116]
Movahedi, Ahmad Reza
The Comparison Effects of Individual and Group Competition on Acquisition and Retention of a Sport Skill [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 17-32]
Movahedi, Ahmad Reza
The Effect of Practice with Ebbinghaus' Illusion (Large target Perception – Small Target Perception) in Field Dependence and Field Independence Individuals on a Targeting Skill Performance [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 33-50]
Naeimikia, Maliheh
The Effect of Rhythmic Visual Stimulation on Kinematics Parameters of Gait in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 35-48]
Naeimi Kia, Malihe
The Effect of Postural Strategies Training on the Balance of Women with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 17-38]
Naeimi Kia, Maliheh
The Relationship of Force Control and Adjustment of Dominant hand’s Angle to selected Psychological Traits in Athlete and Non-athlete Students [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 53-72]
Naemi Kia, Malihe
Effect of Walking Training on Artificial Cobblestone Mats on Gait Spatio-Temporal Parameters for the Elderly Women [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 71-86]
Naemi Kia, Malihe
Content Analysis and Comparison of Iranian Journals in Motor Behavior and Sport Psychology Domains [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 107-134]
Naghavi alhoseini, Jalal
The effect of balance & strength exercise training on static balance and isometric strength in girl students with mental retardation [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 33-48]
Naghdi, Naser
The effect of systemic administration of insulin on spatial memory and learning in male rats [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 55-70]
Naghdi, Naser
The effect of training in water with and without Dolphin on gross motor skills of 8 years old children with autism spectrum disorder [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 171-184]
Naghdi, Naser
The effect of change in different characteristics in movements of two hands on transfer of asymmetrical bimanual movement to its converse pattern [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 133-152]
Naghipoor Givi, Behnam
Predictive role of self-regulation and impulsivity in sport achievement: A comparison between contact and noncontact sports [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 131-146]
Naghizadeh, Zahra
Effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on performance of basketball free throws in skilled basketball players [Volume 16, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 17-34]
Nahravani, Samaneh
Could neonatal health indicators and parent’s socioeconomic status predict motor development and visual perception in children? [Volume 15, Issue 51, 2023, Pages 115-138]
Najarian Noosh abadi, Reyhaneh
The Effects of Type, Correctness, and Time of Precue Presentation on Choice Reaction Time: The Study of Inhibition of Return Theory [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 35-48]
Najmzadeh Baghdadi, Moein
The Effect of Sport Stacking on Perceptual-Motor Skills in 8-9 Year's Children of Elementary School [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 73-84]
Namazi Zade, Mahdi
Comparing Exercise Effects Regarding Learning In-Phase and Anti-Phase Movement Coordination in Arm and Legs [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 153-172]
Namazizadeh, Mahdi
Comparison of anticipation skills and visual search behaviors of skilled and novice basketball players in different positions attack (1 on 1,3 on 3) [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 15-32]
Namazizadeh, Mahdi
The effect of tactile kinetic stimulations by mother on physical growth of preterm infants [Volume 7, Issue 21, 2015, Pages 145-160]
Namazizadeh, mehdi
The effect of cognitive training on the performance accuracy of elite athletes in pistol shooting [(Articles in Press)]
Namazizadeh, Mehdi
The Effect of Basic Gymnastics Exercises on Movement Skills of children with autism disorder. [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2015, Pages 73-88]
Namazizadeh, Mehdi
The effect of training representative tasks on perceptual-cognitive skills: Identifying involved mental processes [Volume 15, Issue 51, 2023, Pages 17-40]
Namazi zadeh, Mahdi
The role of sleep and wake on enhancement of implicit motor sequence in youth [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 33-54]
Namazi zadeh, Mahdi
Effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on performance of basketball free throws in skilled basketball players [Volume 16, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 17-34]
Namazi zadeh, Mahdi
Comparison of the Effects of Cognitive Rehabilitation and Purposeful -Movement Plays on Cognitive Flexibility and Motor Coordination among Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [(Articles in Press)]
Namazi zadeh, Mahdi
The Effect of Fatigue on Decision- Making and the Visual Search behavior of Novice and Expert Soccer Players [Volume 13, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 17-38]
Namazi zadeh, Mahdi
The Effect of Aerobic Activity with Low and Moderate Intensity on Executive Functions and Selective Attention in Children with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) [Volume 14, Issue 48, 2022, Pages 63-82]
Namazi zadeh, Mahdi
The Comparison of anticipation behavior and visual search in long service between skilled and non-skilled badminton players [(Articles in Press)]
Namazi Zadeh, Mahdi
Effect of rhythmic exercise on perceptual – moving skills children with visual impairments [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 117-130]
Namazi Zadeh, Mahdi
The effect of training in water with and without Dolphin on gross motor skills of 8 years old children with autism spectrum disorder [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 171-184]
Namazi Zadeh, Mahdi
The Effects of Balance Training and Focus of Attention on Sway in Postural and Supra-Postural Tasks in the Elderly Population [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 89-104]
Namazi Zadeh, Mehdi
The effect of change in different characteristics in movements of two hands on transfer of asymmetrical bimanual movement to its converse pattern [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 133-152]
Namdar Tajari, Somayeh
The Effect of Perceptual-Motor exercises on The Working Memory of Students with Special Learning Disabilities with Math Problems [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 105-120]
Namdar Tajari, Somayeh
The Effect of Exercise Intervention on Executive Function and Cognitive Flexibility in 8-10 Years Old Boys with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 11, Issue 38, 2020, Pages 35-46]
Nasiri, Rozita
The effect of High intensity interval training (HIIT) and dietary supplement curcumin on cognitive function and the level of stress markers in the brain of male Balb/C mice exposed to lead nitrate [Volume 15, Issue 52, 2023, Pages 69-100]
Nasri, Mahshid
Comparing the Expertise Acquisition Process among the Young Rock Climbers at Different Levels of Competition, Based on the Evolutionary Model of Sports Participation [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 109-134]
Nayeri, Majid
The relative age effect in attending in the highest level of sport and winning medals in Iranian taekwondo athletes [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 165-186]
Nazari, Farhad
Validation of the Persian Version of the Mental Training Questionnaire in Sport [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 121-144]
Nazari, Mohammad ali
The Effect of Skill level and Conditions’ Predictability on Taekwondo Players’ Timing [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 47-60]
Nazari, Mohammad ali
Effect of Neurofeedback and Motor Training on Acquisition and Consolidation of Procedural Motor Performance [Volume 15, Issue 51, 2023, Pages 91-114]
Nazari Kakvandi, Saeed
The effect of selected practice arrangement on acquisition and learning of the relative timing of a motor task: Emphasis on implicit and explicit approaches [Volume 13, Issue 45, 2022, Pages 61-90]
Nazarpoori, Shahram
Compare the performance of subjects with ipsilateral and contralateral dominant hands and eyes during learning stages of volleyball Hammer serving skill [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 71-86]
Nazemzadegan, Gholam Hossein
Coaches’ Verbal Instructions and Skilled Adolescent Judo Players’ Attentional Strategies During Training and Competition [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 143-158]
Nemati, Sajjad
The Effect of Swimming Training and Practice on the Kinesthesia of Boys with Visual Impairment [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 17-28]
Nezakat alhoseini, Maryam
The effect of visual stimuli training on choice reaction time in male taekwondo players [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 79-96]
Nezakat-Alhoseini, Maryam
Effect of PETTLEP Mental Imagery and Physical Practice on Pre-motor and Motor Parts of Simple and Choice Reaction Time [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 17-38]
Nezakatalhosseini, Maryam
The Effect of a Period of Selected Exercises Over Soft and Hard Surfaces on the Static Balance of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2020, Pages 55-80]
Nezakat-Alhosseini, Maryam
Effects of cognitive training on freezing of gait and some of its cognitive functions on old parkinson disease patients [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 87-108]
Nezakatoalhosani, Maryam
Effect of Perceptual- Motor Exercise on Social Growth in Children with Educable Intellectual Disability [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 37-52]
Nikkhah, Karim
The Effect of Rhythmic Visual Stimulation on Kinematics Parameters of Gait in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 35-48]
Nik khah, Karim
The effect of a period balance training and cognitive combination on postural sway women with multiple sclerosis [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 143-156]
Nikravan, Ahmad
Psychometric Characteristics of the Persian Version of «Enjoyment Scale, Self-Efficacy and Social Support of Physical Activity in Children» [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 119-138]
Noori, Reza
The Effect of Dual Task, Single Task, and Combined Task on Older Adults’ Gait, with or without the Experience of Falling [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 61-82]
Norouzian-Maleki, Saeid
Mapping of Co-occurrence of Scientific Products in the Field of Children's Physical Activity in the Open Space of Primary Schools [Volume 13, Issue 46, 2022, Pages 201-230]
Norouzian-Maleki, Saeid
Exploring the Effective Components in Enhancing the Physical Activity of Pupils in the Open Spaces of Primary Schools from the Perspective of Architects, Principals and their Deputies [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 39-70]
Norouzi Seyed Hoseini, Ebrahim
Effects of TGFU Teaching Method on Self-Determine Motivation and Learning of Volleyball Serve in Adolescent Students [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 183-198]
Norouzi Seyed Hossieni, Rasoul
Effects of TGFU Teaching Method on Self-Determine Motivation and Learning of Volleyball Serve in Adolescent Students [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 183-198]
Noruzi, Sepideh
The effect of High intensity interval training (HIIT) and dietary supplement curcumin on cognitive function and the level of stress markers in the brain of male Balb/C mice exposed to lead nitrate [Volume 15, Issue 52, 2023, Pages 69-100]
Nouri pour, Shamsollah
The effect of tactile kinetic stimulations by mother on physical growth of preterm infants [Volume 7, Issue 21, 2015, Pages 145-160]
Pahlevan Yali, Majid
The Effect Type of Attentional Focus and the Frequency of Feedback on Explicit Knowledge and the Learning of Basketball Free Throwing [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 85-102]
Parastar, Fatemeh
Coach-created motivational climate, psychological needs, intrinsic motivation and continued sport participation among female adolescent athletes [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 171-184]
Parno, Abdolhosein
The Effect of Regular Physical Activity on Changes of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, Intelligence Quotient and Motor Development of Mental Retardation Children’s [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 109-128]
Parsa, Sara
Comparing Peripheral Vision, Simple Reaction Time, and Choice Reaction Time between Expert and Novice Drivers [Volume 15, Issue 52, 2023, Pages 43-68]
Parsafar, Parisa
Effect of a Cognitive Secondary Task on Gaze Behaviors and Decision Making of Skilled and Novice Football Players [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 129-142]
Parsafar, Parisa
The Validity and Reliability of Ulrich – 3rd (TGMD-3) with Visual Support among Autism Boys [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 33-52]
Parsa Far, Parisa
Comparing Visual Search Behavior Among the Expert and Novice Basketball Players Under Temporal Constraints [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 85-98]
Parsaie, Nasrin
The Effect of Combining Observational, Shadow and Physical Practice on Learning Dart Throwing Skill [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 149-168]
Parvin, Nahideh
The Effects of Motor-Motor and Motor- Cognitive Dual Task Training on Balance and Working Memory Among Older Women [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 89-106]
Parvinpour, shahab
Effect of Solitary and Group Purposeful-Movement Plays on Visual-Motor Skills in Girls Aged Eight Years [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 59-86]
Parvinpour, Shahab
The effect of linear and non-linear training on individual and team creativity in futsal [Volume 13, Issue 45, 2022, Pages 159-184]
Parvinpour, Shahab
The effect of task constraints manipulation on balance indexes of healthy elderly adults [Volume 15, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 101-112]
Parvinpour, Shahab
Comparison of linear and non-linear training strategies on coordination variability of basketball free shooting [(Articles in Press)]
Parvin Pour, Shahab
Effects of Parenting Styles on Fundamental Movement Skills of 5 to 6 Years Old Children [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 133-150]
Pasand, Fatemeh
Modeling Dynamic Factors Affecting Gross Motor Development Milestone 9-12 Months Old Infant s with Using Structural Equation [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 149-168]
Pashabadi, Ali
The relative age effect in attending in the highest level of sport and winning medals in Iranian taekwondo athletes [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 165-186]
Piri, Saeid
Mapping of Co-occurrence of Scientific Products in the Field of Children's Physical Activity in the Open Space of Primary Schools [Volume 13, Issue 46, 2022, Pages 201-230]
Piri, Shiva
The Effect of Regular Physical Activity on Changes of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, Intelligence Quotient and Motor Development of Mental Retardation Children’s [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 109-128]
Pooraghaei Ardakani, Zahra
The effect of fatigue due to different intensities of exercise on coincidence-anticipation timing performance with intra trial variation [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 157-170]
Pooraghaei Ardakani, Zahra
The Effect of Sport Stacking on Perceptual-Motor Skills in 8-9 Year's Children of Elementary School [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 73-84]
Pooraghaei Ardakani, Zahra
The Effect of Strength, Fingers Special Training and Combination of Them on the Speed and Accuracy of Fine Movements in Elderly Women [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 71-86]
PoorEghbali, Sogand
Comparing of Two Methods of Practice for Emerging Motor Flexibility in Basketball Free Throw Skill [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 17-28]
Pour Hosein Jafari, Zahra
The Effect of Training, Individual Mode or Couple Mode, on The Extent of Learning Aerobics Among the Elderly [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2020, Pages 111-130]
Pour Morad Kohan, Parisa
The Effects of Sensory Modalities of Mental Imagery on Learning Lay-up Shot in Basketball [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 173-188]
Poursadegh, Reza
Psychometrics of Farsi version of Subjective and Objective Physical Fitness Measurement Tools among Iranian Elderly [Volume 13, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 151-180]
Qaderi, Hosein
Effects of Teacher Centered and Child Centered Approaches on Actual and Perceived Motor Competence of the Elementary School Girls [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 39-52]
Qeysari, Fardin
The Effect of External and Internal Focus of Attention on Electromyography of the Lower Extremity Muscles in Different Phases of Vertical Jump [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 87-102]
Radfar, Froogh
The Effects of Observational and Physical Practices on Electromyography Characteristics of Main Active Muscles in Badminton High Serve [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 173-187]
Rad Kaftroudy, Reihaneh
The Effect of Rotational Exercises on Balance by Manipulating Visual and Proprioception Senses [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 69-84]
Rafei, Mehdi
Effect of Yoga on Anxiety of Parents and Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 139-152]
Rafei, Mehdi
Action-specific perception in rock climbing: The effects of skill level and task difficulty [Volume 13, Issue 46, 2022, Pages 107-130]
RafeiBoroujeni, Mehdi
Effect of motor imagery and action observation combination on learning of Badminton high serve in different age group with emphasis on role of mirror neuron [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 113-138]
Rafei Borujeni, Mehdi
The Effect of a Period of Selected Exercises Over Soft and Hard Surfaces on the Static Balance of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2020, Pages 55-80]
Rafei Brojeni, Mahdi
The Effects of Observational and Physical Practices on Electromyography Characteristics of Main Active Muscles in Badminton High Serve [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 173-187]
Rafei Brojeni, Mehdi
Effect of PETTLEP Mental Imagery and Physical Practice on Pre-motor and Motor Parts of Simple and Choice Reaction Time [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 17-38]
Rafei Broojeni, Mehdi
The Comparison Effects of Individual and Group Competition on Acquisition and Retention of a Sport Skill [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 17-32]
Rafeii Boroujeni, Mehdi
The Effect of Pairing the Personality Characteristic of Competitiveness, Non-Competitiveness and Training Environment in Observational Practice on Learning of Dart Throwing [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 103-116]
Rafeinisiyani, Akram
The Effect of Combining a Selected Movement Program Course with Fernald's Multisensory Training Method on the Handwriting Status of Elementary School Students with Dysgraphia [(Articles in Press)]
Rafiee, Saleh
The Effect of Education Based on the Developmental Physical Education on Students’ Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 17-34]
Rafiee, Saleh
The Comparison of Visual Skills between Expert and Novice Basketball Referees [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 17-32]
Rahavi, Rosa
The effect of an aerobic training session at different intervals on the consolidation of motor memory of girls in different menstrual cycles [(Articles in Press)]
Rahavi Ezabadi, Rosa
Comparing of Motor Proficiency, Behavior and Educational Progress Preterm Children 8-10 Years with Term Children [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 89-104]
Rahavi Ezabadi, Roza
Comparing of Self-Regulated Learning Strategies on the Learning of Volleyball Service [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 155-172]
Rahbanfard, Hasan
The Effect of Combining Observational, Shadow and Physical Practice on Learning Dart Throwing Skill [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 149-168]
Rahimi, Robabeh
The Effect of Fine Motor Activities on Development and Improving Attention in Girls Students with Emphasis on the Montessori Method [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 33-50]
Rahimian Mashhadi, Maryam
The Effects of Type, Correctness, and Time of Precue Presentation on Choice Reaction Time: The Study of Inhibition of Return Theory [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 35-48]
Rahimian Mashhadi, Maryam
Validity and Reliability of the Test of the Development Motor Skills Development of Ulrich in 7-9 years of Girls and Boy Children in Tehran [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 127-148]
Effect of Sport Type and Exercise Environment on Athletic Distance Perception and Performance [Volume 13, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 39-62]
Rahmati, Foroogh
The effect of eight weeks aerobic exercise on social interaction in children with mentally disable [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 65-78]
Rajabi, Fahimeh
The Effect of Basic Gymnastics Exercises on Movement Skills of children with autism disorder. [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2015, Pages 73-88]
Rajabi, Hamid
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Aaerobic Versus Pilates Training on Cognitive Function of Elderly Females [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 29-46]
Rajaei, Mohsen
The Effect of Practice with Ebbinghaus' Illusion (Large target Perception – Small Target Perception) in Field Dependence and Field Independence Individuals on a Targeting Skill Performance [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 33-50]
Ramezanzade, Hesam
Perception-to-Action Transfer: The Role of Audiovisual Integration [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 35-46]
Ramezanzade, Hesam
The Role of Motor-Auditory Kinematics in Reproduction and Learning the Spatial Characteristics of the Motion Pattern [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 125-148]
Ramezanzade, Hesam
Errorless Interference and Motor learning: The Role of Working Memory in Automation of Skill [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2020, Pages 81-110]
Ramezanzade, Hesam
Psychometric properties of the Perceived Motor Competence Questionnaire in Childhood [Volume 13, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 93-124]
Ramezanzade, Hesam
The Effect of Contextual Interference in implicit and explicit Conditions on motor learning in Slow- Learning Children [Volume 13, Issue 45, 2022, Pages 61-90]
Ranjbar, zahra
The Effect of Physical Activity and Virtual Reality on Functional Balance in Spastic Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy [(Articles in Press)]
Rasoli, Atiyeh
The Effect of Aerobic Activity with Low and Moderate Intensity on Executive Functions and Selective Attention in Children with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) [Volume 14, Issue 48, 2022, Pages 63-82]
Razdan, Saeedeh
The Effect of Spectator – induced Arousal on Depth Perception and Spatial Memory in Female Student Athletes [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 121-138]
Rezaei, Fahimeh
Effect of a Course of Basketball Training Program on ADHD Children’s Sustained Attention [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 139-152]
Rezaei, Fahimeh
Investigate the Effect of Aerobic Activity with and without Cognitive Load on Alerting Network of Attention [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 173-188]
Rezaei, Fahimeh
Relationship between Refereeing Level and Type of Sport Field with Sport Referees’ Amount of Depth Perception Error in Cold and Warm Colors [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 147-160]
Rezaei, Fahimeh
The Effect of Physical Activity with Different Levels of Cognitive Load on the Cingulate Cortex's Brain Waves [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 17-36]
Rezaei, Rasoul
The Effect of Six-Week Continuous and High Intensity Interval Aerobic Training before Cerebral Ischemia on spatial memory and BDNF level in Hippocampus Male Wistar Rat’s [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 35-52]
Rezayi, Maryam
Pre-performance routines modified choking under pressure effects in free throws performance [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 91-104]
Rezvani Brojeni, Elham
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Aaerobic Versus Pilates Training on Cognitive Function of Elderly Females [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 29-46]
Riyahi, javad
Investigating the similarity of action representation in real performance and observing basketball free throw in skilled and beginners: kinematic and eye movement pattern study [Volume 13, Issue 46, 2022, Pages 17-44]
Rohbanfard, Hassan
The effect of selected practice arrangement on acquisition and learning of the relative timing of a motor task: Emphasis on implicit and explicit approaches [Volume 13, Issue 45, 2022, Pages 61-90]
Rostami, Reza
The Effect of Exercise Intervention on Executive Function and Cognitive Flexibility in 8-10 Years Old Boys with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 11, Issue 38, 2020, Pages 35-46]
Rostami, Robabeh
The Effect & Survival of Core Stability Short Term Training on Static & Dynamic Balance in Children with delay in development of Balance [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 53-72]
Rostami, Robabeh
Comparison of Visual Skills in Soccer Referees with Fewer and More Mistakes [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 75-90]
Rostami, Samira
Effect of a fun virtual purposeful active play program on children's physical fitness during home quarantine due to the outbreak of Covid-19 [Volume 13, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 171-190]
Rouhi, Mitra
Identifying Components of Effective Physical Education Teacher and Assessing Its Status in Zanjan Schools [Volume 11, Issue 38, 2020, Pages 47-70]
Saadatifard, Elaheh
Validity and Reliability the test of performance strategies (TOPS) for Iranian adult athletes [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 31-46]
Saberi kakhaki, Alireza
The Effect of External Attentional Focus Instructions on Learning Tracking Task under Auditory Secondary Task Condition [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 73-88]
Saberi Kakhki, Alireza
The effect of a period balance training and cognitive combination on postural sway women with multiple sclerosis [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 143-156]
Saberi Kakhki, Alireza
Comparing of Two Methods of Practice for Emerging Motor Flexibility in Basketball Free Throw Skill [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 17-28]
Saberi Kakhki, Alireza
The Effect of Video Modeling and in Vivo Modeling on Acquisition, Retention and Transmission of a Throwing Skill in Children with Autism [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 35-48]
Saberi Kakhki, Alireza
Comparing the Effect of Task-Oriented Approach Intervention with Ordinary Activity on Gross Motor Development of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 17-34]
Saberi Kakhki, Alireza
The Comparison of two methods of variability on the learning of golf putting: Contextual Interference and Differential leaning [Volume 13, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 69-92]
Saberi Kakhki, Alireza
The effect of selected practice arrangement on acquisition and learning of the relative timing of a motor task: Emphasis on implicit and explicit approaches [Volume 13, Issue 45, 2022, Pages 61-90]
Saberi Kakhki, Alireza
Effect of internal and close- or far-external attentional focus imagery on response time among skilled Karatekas [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 17-46]
Saberi Kakhki, Alireza
The effect of visual occlusion training on the performance of Forehand Drive in unskilled Table Tennis players [Volume 15, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 31-46]
Saberi Kakhki, Alireza
Effect of physical and mental practice on variability of movement coordination and smoothness [(Articles in Press)]
Sabzi, Amir Hamzeh
The Effect of Education Based on the Developmental Physical Education on Students’ Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 17-34]
Sadat Hoseini, Fatemeh
Learning of Predictive Motor Control in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 85-108]
Sadati Firoozabadi, Somayeh
The Effectiveness of Sensorimotor Integration in Improving Motor Skills in Students with Learning Disabilities [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 105-118]
Sadeghi, Ebrahim
The Impact of Prismatic Adaptation of Visual System on Postural Control and Dart Throwing Precision [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 101-114]
Sadeghi, Fatemeh
Effect of Perceptual- Motor Exercise on Social Growth in Children with Educable Intellectual Disability [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 37-52]
Sadeghi, Hassan
The effect of six weeks of linear pedagogy on the kinematics pattern of walking in 3-5 years old children [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 37-58]
Sadeghi, Reza
Psychometrics of the Persian version of the Learning, Executive and Attention Functional Scale (LEAF) in Athletes [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 99-142]
Sadeghi Demne, Ebrahim
Comparing Exercise Effects Regarding Learning In-Phase and Anti-Phase Movement Coordination in Arm and Legs [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 153-172]
Saemi, Esmaeel
The Effect of Handedness and Manipulation of the Index of Difficulty on the Behavioral and Neural Components of Speed-Accuracy Trade Off [Volume 10, Issue 34, 2019, Pages 121-150]
Saemi, Esmaeel
The Effect of Visual Illusion on Motor Learning of Golf Putting and Self-efficacy in Older Adults [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 151-166]
Saemi, Esmaeel
The effect of self-control of task difficulty during the early and late practice on motor learning [Volume 15, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 49-68]
Safavi, Shila
Effect of Perceptual- Motor Exercise on Social Growth in Children with Educable Intellectual Disability [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 37-52]
Safavi, Shila
The Effects of a Training Course with an Emphasis on Fine Motor Skills on Executive Functions of Children with Learning Disorder [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 37-56]
Safavi, Shila
The Effect of Practice with Ebbinghaus' Illusion (Large target Perception – Small Target Perception) in Field Dependence and Field Independence Individuals on a Targeting Skill Performance [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 33-50]
Safavi, Shila
The Effect of a Period of Selected Exercises Over Soft and Hard Surfaces on the Static Balance of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2020, Pages 55-80]
Safavi Hamami, Shila
Effect of optimizing performance through enhanced expectancies, autonomy support, and external attentional focus on learning a motor skill in children. [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 17-38]
Safavi Homami, Shila
The Comparison of Immobilization Stress on Learning and Spatial Memory in Young and Old Male Rats [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 165-178]
Salami, Sedigheh
Validity and Reliability of the Test of the Development Motor Skills Development of Ulrich in 7-9 years of Girls and Boy Children in Tehran [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 127-148]
Salami, Ssedigheh
Psychometric Properties (Validity and Reliability) of the Body Coordination Test for Children (KTK), among 5-14 years children in Tehran City: Pilot Study [Volume 11, Issue 38, 2020, Pages 71-96]
Salehi, Hamid
Pre-performance routines modified choking under pressure effects in free throws performance [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 91-104]
Salehi, Hamid
Effects of cognitive training on freezing of gait and some of its cognitive functions on old parkinson disease patients [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 87-108]
Salehi, Hamid
Effect of PETTLEP Mental Imagery and Physical Practice on Pre-motor and Motor Parts of Simple and Choice Reaction Time [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 17-38]
Salehi, Hamid
The Development of End-State Comfort Planning in an Object Manipulation Task [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 135-152]
Salehi, Hamid
Effects of Task Constraints on Throwing Patterns of Children [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 105-126]
Salehi, Hamid
Action-specific perception in rock climbing: The effects of skill level and task difficulty [Volume 13, Issue 46, 2022, Pages 107-130]
Salehi, Hamid
The effect of task-irrelevant choices on children's motor learning in stereotypical conditions [(Articles in Press)]
Salehi, Javad
The effect of systemic administration of insulin on spatial memory and learning in male rats [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 55-70]
Salehi, Maryam
The Effect of Fine Motor Activities on Development and Improving Attention in Girls Students with Emphasis on the Montessori Method [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 33-50]
Salehian, Mir Hamid
The Effects of the Visual Perspective of a Point-Light Model on the Learning of a Baseball Pitch: A Kinematic Study [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 47-60]
Salianeh, Mohammad Ali
Compare the Effect of a Period of Selected Training Program in Green and Indoor Spaces on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Girls Seven to 11 Years [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 51-72]
Salman, Zahra
The Effect of Strength, Fingers Special Training and Combination of Them on the Speed and Accuracy of Fine Movements in Elderly Women [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 71-86]
Salman, Zahra
The effect of added feedback, knowledge of the result and execution using the simulator on the acquisition of shooting skills [(Articles in Press)]
Salman, Zahra
The relationship between motor motivation and enjoyment of physical activity in children [(Articles in Press)]
Salmanzadeh, Mohammad Reza
Validity and Reliability of Persian Version of the Bodybuilding Dependence Scale [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 71-88]
Samira, Nazari Mobasher
Effect of Sport Type and Exercise Environment on Athletic Distance Perception and Performance [Volume 13, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 39-62]
Sanjari, Mohammad Ali
Perception-to-Action Transfer: The Role of Audiovisual Integration [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 35-46]
Sanjari, Mohammad Ali
Changes of postural sway in narrow-base stance by concurrently performing cognitive task [Volume 13, Issue 45, 2022, Pages 135-158]
Sanjari, Mohammad Ali
The effect of action-sentence compatibility on postural sway [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 143-160]
Sarlak, Zahra
Edition of special educational, training package for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and evaluation the effect of this package on Autistic traits [Volume 13, Issue 46, 2022, Pages 131-164]
Sarlak, Zahra
The of specialized exercises package for students with Down syndrome: the principles of exercise, the best type of sports practices and the details of prescription of the exercise program [Volume 16, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 109-130]
Sedighi Faroji, Fatemeh
Validation of the Persian version of Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale in Children [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 17-36]
Sepehri Bonab, Hasan
Learning of Predictive Motor Control in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 85-108]
Sepehri Bonab, Hasan
Procedural Motor Learning Facilitation and Consolida-tion by Neurofeedback [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 129-146]
Shaaban Pour, Reza
Effects of 8-Weeks Aquatic Exercise Program on Static and Dynamic Balance in the Children with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 49-64]
Shaban, Elnaz
The Effect of Contextual Interference on Acquisition, Retention and Transfer of Children’s Basic Gymnastics Skills [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 161-176]
Shafizadeh, Ali
The Effect of 8 Weeks of Core Stability Training on Static and Dynamic Balance In Mentally Retarded Children 8 to 10 Years [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 105-118]
Shafizadeh, Ali
The Effect of Contextual Interference on Acquisition, Retention and Transfer of Children’s Basic Gymnastics Skills [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 161-176]
Shafi zadeh, Ali
The effect of motor imagery training on walking, fatigue and quality of life in women with multiple sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial [(Articles in Press)]
Shahabi, Nasrin
The Effect of Circadian Rhythms and Variability of Physical Practice on the Enhancement based Consolidation Process in Explicit Motor Memory [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 87-108]
Shahabi kaseb, Mohammadreza
Design and Construction of Lifeguards’ Vigilance in Surveillance Questionnaire [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2015, Pages 105-126]
Shahabi Kaseb, Mohamadreza
The effect of time of training and night sleep on enhancement of "accuracy" and "timing" components of fine motor skill [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 185-204]
Shahabi Kaseb, Mohammad Reza
The Effect of Analogy, Explicit, and Combination Learning on Acquisition, Retention, and Transfer of Complex Motor Skill [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 119-136]
Shahabi Kaseb, Mohammad Reza
Mental Fatigue Impair the Effect of Feedback to Successful Trials in Motor Learning [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 135-150]
Shahavand, Amir
Intra-Performance Related Differences in Quiet Eye of Elite Pistol Shooters [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 55-68]
Shahbazi, Mahdi
The effects of aerobic training in water and on land on irritability of sensory of type 2 diabetic patients [(Articles in Press)]
Shahbazi, Mahdi
The influence of focus of attention types on anticipatory motor planning and its relation to executive function in people with MS [(Articles in Press)]
Shahbazi, Mehdi
Determination of factorial validity and reliability of persian version of test of performance strategies-2 (TOPS-2) [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 15-42]
Shahbazi, Mehdi
Effect of Nested Task Constraints on Movement Velocity, Throwing Velocity and Accuracy in Elite Handball Players [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 97-112]
Shahbazi, Mehdi
The Effect of Errorless, Error Full Practice and Scaling Equipment Methods on Learning of Basketball Free Throw Skill in Children [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 115-134]
Shahbazi, Mehdi
The Effect Type of Attentional Focus and the Frequency of Feedback on Explicit Knowledge and the Learning of Basketball Free Throwing [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 85-102]
Shahbazi, Mehdi
Effect of Task Constraints on Coordination Variability in Missed and Successful Trails of Chip Pass [Volume 11, Issue 38, 2020, Pages 97-114]
Shahbazi, Mehdi
The Effect of External and Internal Focus of Attention on Electromyography of the Lower Extremity Muscles in Different Phases of Vertical Jump [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 87-102]
Shahbazi, Sohila
Validation of the Persian Version of the Mental Training Questionnaire in Sport [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 121-144]
The Effect of Contextual Interference in implicit and explicit Conditions on motor learning in Slow- Learning Children [Volume 13, Issue 45, 2022, Pages 61-90]
Shahdoost, Kamran
Comparison of 12-week Exercises of Yoga, Pilates and Yogalates on Older Women Functional Balance with High Risk of Falling Under Dual-Task Conditions [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 49-64]
Shahraki, Mansooreh
The Effect of Rhythmic Visual Stimulation on Kinematics Parameters of Gait in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 35-48]
Shahraki, Mansoure
The Effect of Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation During Gait Training on Kinematic Parameters of Gait in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 149-164]
Shahrbanian, Shahnaz
The Effects of Environmental Affordances on Perception of Vision and Balance in Children with Intellectual Disability [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 165-182]
Shahriyari, Mohsen
The Effects of Instructions Attention Focus Internal and External on Learning Protection Dynamic Balance in Children with Mental Retardation [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 95-110]
Shahrzad, Neda
The Relationship between IQ and Emotional Intelligence with Motor Proficiency in Boys’ 10-14-Year-Old in Tehran [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 65-78]
Shahrzad, Neda
The effect of Eight Weeks Aerobic Rhythmic Exercises with Music on Motor Proficiency, Anxiety and Depression in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 57-70]
Shahrzad, Neda
Effects of Parenting Styles on Fundamental Movement Skills of 5 to 6 Years Old Children [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 133-150]
Shakeri Chenari, Fatemeh
Effect of physical and mental practice on variability of movement coordination and smoothness [(Articles in Press)]
Shams, Amir
Effect of off-line time different periods on stabilization and enhancement-based consolidation process in explicit memory [Volume 7, Issue 21, 2015, Pages 127-144]
Shams, Amir
The combination effect of action observation, motor imagery and physical training differences methods on stability of in-phase and anti-phase movements [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 109-130]
Shams, Amir
Psychometric Properties of Sport Imagery Questionnaire among Iranian National Team’s Athletes [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 17-36]
Shams, Amir
Psychometric Properties (Validity and Reliability) of the Body Coordination Test for Children (KTK), among 5-14 years children in Tehran City: Pilot Study [Volume 11, Issue 38, 2020, Pages 71-96]
Shams, Amir
The Effect of Fatigue on Decision- Making and the Visual Search behavior of Novice and Expert Soccer Players [Volume 13, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 17-38]
Shams, Amir
The Effect of Aerobic Activity with Low and Moderate Intensity on Executive Functions and Selective Attention in Children with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) [Volume 14, Issue 48, 2022, Pages 63-82]
Shams, Amir
The effect of yoga exercises on impulsivity and risky decision-making in young men offenders [Volume 16, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 145-158]
Shamsi Majelan, Ali
The Effect Type of Attentional Focus and the Frequency of Feedback on Explicit Knowledge and the Learning of Basketball Free Throwing [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 85-102]
Shamsipoor dehkordi, Parvaneh
The role of sleep and wake on enhancement of implicit motor sequence in youth [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 33-54]
Shamsipoor Dehkordi, Parvaneh
Determine the Timing of the Circadian Rhythm in Physical Training and Motor Imagery on Learning Tennis on Table Forehand in Individuals with Different Circadian [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 51-70]
Shamsipor Dehkordi, Parvaneh
The Effect of Circadian Rhythms and Variability of Physical Practice on the Enhancement based Consolidation Process in Explicit Motor Memory [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 87-108]
Shamsipour, Parvaneh
The Effectiveness of Enabling Environment for IQ, Excellence, and Social Skills: A Function of Dynamic Systems Theory [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 69-88]
Shamsipour Dehkordi, Parnaneh
Psychometric Properties (Validity and Reliability) of the Body Coordination Test for Children (KTK), among 5-14 years children in Tehran City: Pilot Study [Volume 11, Issue 38, 2020, Pages 71-96]
Shamsipour Dehkordi, Parvaneh
Psychometric Properties of Sport Imagery Questionnaire among Iranian National Team’s Athletes [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 17-36]
Shamsipour Dehkordi, Parvaneh
Validity and Reliability of the Test of the Development Motor Skills Development of Ulrich in 7-9 years of Girls and Boy Children in Tehran [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 127-148]
Sharafiyan, Fatemeh
The effect of quiet eye training on fixation of gaze in learning interceptive task of 10-12-year-old children [(Articles in Press)]
Shariati, Amir
Effect of Play Therapy on the Short-Term Memory Disability Educable Children [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 73-88]
Shariat Zadeh, Mohammad
The effect of balance & strength exercise training on static balance and isometric strength in girl students with mental retardation [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 33-48]
Sharifi, Zeinab
The Impact of Prismatic Adaptation of Visual System on Postural Control and Dart Throwing Precision [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 101-114]
Sharifnejad, Ali
The Effect of External and Internal Focus of Attention on Electromyography of the Lower Extremity Muscles in Different Phases of Vertical Jump [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 87-102]
Sharifnezhad, Ali
Identifying Self-Organization Maps in the Iranian National Soccer Team from the Perspective of Social Networking Theory: An Analysis of the offensive Performance in the 2018 World Cup Matches [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 69-86]
Sharifnezhad, Ali
The Effect of Manipulation Task Constraints in SSG on Team Interactions and Technical Performance of Players in Competitive Football Game: Application of Social Network Theory in Performance Analysis [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 187-212]
Shayesteh, Shokouh
Action-specific perception in rock climbing: The effects of skill level and task difficulty [Volume 13, Issue 46, 2022, Pages 107-130]
Sheikh, Mahmood
The relationship between behavioral disorders, coping strategies and emotional intelligence in young athletes [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 141-156]
Sheikh, Mahmood
The affection of a period of selected exercising program on improving manipulative skills in children with developmental coordination disorder (CDC) [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 15-30]
Sheikh, Mahmood
The effect of training in water with and without Dolphin on gross motor skills of 8 years old children with autism spectrum disorder [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 171-184]
Sheikh, Mahmood
The Effect of Dual Task, Single Task, and Combined Task on Older Adults’ Gait, with or without the Experience of Falling [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 61-82]
Sheikh, Mahmoud
The effect of tactile kinetic stimulations by mother on physical growth of preterm infants [Volume 7, Issue 21, 2015, Pages 145-160]
Sheikh, Mahmoud
The Effects of Environmental Affordances on Perception of Vision and Balance in Children with Intellectual Disability [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 165-182]
Sheikh, Mahmoud
The Effects of Balance Training and Focus of Attention on Sway in Postural and Supra-Postural Tasks in the Elderly Population [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 89-104]
Sheikh, Mahmoud
Psychometric Characteristics of the Persian Version of «The Fear of Falling Avoidance Behavior Questionnaire» in Elderly [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 99-120]
Sheikh, Mahmoud
The Effect of Visual Perception Exercises on Depth Perception in Children with Attention Deficit Disorder - Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 15, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 17-32]
Sheikhi, Sahar
The Effects of Model Skill Level on Mu Rhythm Suppression in Basketball Lay- up Shot [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 141-154]
Shetab Booshehri, Seyedeh Nahid
The Effects of Instructions Attention Focus Internal and External on Learning Protection Dynamic Balance in Children with Mental Retardation [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 95-110]
Shetab Boushehri, Seyedeh Nahid
The Investigate the Components of Visual Tracking and the Amount of Spatial and Temporal Error in the Bilateral Targeting Task with Dominant and Non-Dominant Hands [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2020, Pages 131-160]
Sheykh, Mahmood
The effect of change in different characteristics in movements of two hands on transfer of asymmetrical bimanual movement to its converse pattern [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 133-152]
Shiekh, Mahmood
The Effect of Selective and Compulsive Video Augmented Information on Motor Learning of Basketball Jump Shot: with Emphasizing on the Challenge Point Theory [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 143-166]
Shiri, Hajar
The Effect of 7 Weeks of Core Stability and Balance Training on Motor Function and Cognitive Failures in Women with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 17-34]
Shirini, Alireza
The Relationship between Fear of Falling, Anxiety, Functional Mobility and Balance in Nursing-Home Older Adults [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 135-148]
Shirvaniha, Zohreh
The Effect of Inclusive Education System in Elementary Schools on Motor, Social and Emotional Development of Students with Intellectual Disability [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 105-124]
Shirzad, Elham
Effect of Task Constraints on Coordination Variability in Missed and Successful Trails of Chip Pass [Volume 11, Issue 38, 2020, Pages 97-114]
Shirzad Araqi, Elham
Effect of Nested Task Constraints on Movement Velocity, Throwing Velocity and Accuracy in Elite Handball Players [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 97-112]
Shojae, Otella
The effect of self-controlled observational practice and model’s skill level on badminton long serve [Volume 7, Issue 20, 2015, Pages 35-48]
Shojaei, Masoumeh
The Effect of Rotational Exercises on Balance by Manipulating Visual and Proprioception Senses [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 69-84]
Shojaei, Masoumeh
The Effect of Physical Activity and Virtual Reality on Functional Balance in Spastic Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy [(Articles in Press)]
Siavashi, Elahe
The Effect of Exercise Positional Arrangement (Individual, Dyad, Group) on Acquisition and Retention of Rope-Jumping Skills in School Children [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 153-166]
Sohbatiha, Mohamad
The Effect of Errorless, Error Full Practice and Scaling Equipment Methods on Learning of Basketball Free Throw Skill in Children [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 115-134]
Sohrabi, Mahdi
Effects of Virtual Reality and Reality Training with and without Auditory Information limitation on Motor Learning Table Tennis Forehand [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 89-108]
Sohrabi, Mahdi
The Effect of Selected Perceptual ـMotor Exercises on Motor Proficiency of Children with Learning Disorder [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 51-68]
Sohrabi, Mahdi
Effect of Sleep Deprivation Before Physical, Mental, Observational and Combined Training on the Acquisition and Retention of Badminton Short Service Skills [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 149-164]
Sohrabi, Mahdi
The Effect of Virtual Reality Training on Motor Imagery Capability of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 39-64]
Sohrabi, Mahdi
Effect of Nintendo Wii-based motor and cognitive training on motor proficiency, visual attention and cognitive flexibility of children with attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder [(Articles in Press)]
Sohrabi, Mahdi
Effect of internal and close- or far-external attentional focus imagery on response time among skilled Karatekas [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 17-46]
Sohrabi, Mehdi
The effect of error estimation and frequency of feedback in learning motor and cognitive tasks [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 119-140]
Sohrabi, Mehdi
Comparison the gross motor skills development in healthy children and with thalassemia major [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 59-70]
Sohrabi, Mehdi
Effect of a period of selected training program on planning and problem solving of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 7, Issue 21, 2015, Pages 161-176]
Sohrabi, Mehdi
Effects of a period of selected training program on the working memory of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 149-162]
Sohrabi, Mehdi
Comparing the Effectiveness of Various Cognitive-Motor Interventions on Dynamic Balance of Elderly Women [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 47-72]
Sohrabi, Mehdi
The Effect of Individual, Group and Cooperative Special Practices on the Cognitive and Social Function of Children Aged 9-12 Years with Development Coordination Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 177-194]
Sohrabi, Mehdi
Comparing the Effect of Task-Oriented Approach Intervention with Ordinary Activity on Gross Motor Development of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 17-34]
Sohrabi, Mehdi
The Effect of Rhythmic Visual Stimulation on Kinematics Parameters of Gait in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 35-48]
Sohrabi, Mir Masoom
Coach-created motivational climate, psychological needs, intrinsic motivation and continued sport participation among female adolescent athletes [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 171-184]
Soleiman Beigi, Shadieh
The Relative Contribution of Core Executive Functions in Shooting Performance Prediction [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 39-54]
Soleimani Rad, Mohammad
The Effect of Combining a Selected Movement Program Course with Fernald's Multisensory Training Method on the Handwriting Status of Elementary School Students with Dysgraphia [(Articles in Press)]
Soleymani, Mehran
The Validity and Reliability of Ulrich – 3rd (TGMD-3) with Visual Support among Autism Boys [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 33-52]
Soltan Ahmadi, Tina
The Effect of Education Based on the Developmental Physical Education on Students’ Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 17-34]
Soltani, Mostafa
The relative age effect in attending in the highest level of sport and winning medals in Iranian taekwondo athletes [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 165-186]
Soltani, Nakisa
The Effects of Observational and Physical Practices on Electromyography Characteristics of Main Active Muscles in Badminton High Serve [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 173-187]
Soltanian, Mohammad Ali
The Effect of 7 Weeks of Core Stability and Balance Training on Motor Function and Cognitive Failures in Women with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 17-34]
Soltaniyan, Mohammad Ali
Validation of the Persian Version of Dynamic Gait Index in Multiple Sclerosis Diseases (4-Item) [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 117-132]
Sotoodeh, Mohammad Saber
The effect of different level of activation on control the power generation of dominant leg of elite Taekwondo athletes [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 47-58]
Suzandehpour, Seyed Rasul
The Role of stepping Exergame Trainings and Treadmill Walking on the Development of Physical Functions in Older Adults [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 125-142]
Tabatabaee Ghamsheh, Farhad
Motor Coordination of Instep Soccer Kick in Elite Soccer Players After ACL Re-Construction Surgery [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 145-164]
Taghizadeh, Fahimeh
The Effect of Quiet Eye Training on Learning Skills of Table Tennis [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 53-68]
Tahan, Nasrin
The Effect of Visual Illusion on Motor Learning of Golf Putting and Self-efficacy in Older Adults [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 151-166]
Taheri, Hamidreza
Effect of manipulated of the distance and width of target on learning in basketball free threw: according to index of difficulty [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 33-50]
Taheri, Hamidreza
Comparing of Two Methods of Practice for Emerging Motor Flexibility in Basketball Free Throw Skill [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 17-28]
Taheri, Hamidreza
The Effect of Skill level and Conditions’ Predictability on Taekwondo Players’ Timing [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 47-60]
Taheri, Hamidreza
The Effect of Selected Perceptual ـMotor Exercises on Motor Proficiency of Children with Learning Disorder [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 51-68]
Taheri, Hamidreza
The effect of selected practice arrangement on acquisition and learning of the relative timing of a motor task: Emphasis on implicit and explicit approaches [Volume 13, Issue 45, 2022, Pages 61-90]
Taheri, Hamidreza
Effect of Nintendo Wii-based motor and cognitive training on motor proficiency, visual attention and cognitive flexibility of children with attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder [(Articles in Press)]
Taheri, Hamidreza
Investigating three methods of non-invasive intervention: somatosensory training, neurofeedback training and foot massage, on the balance of the elderly over 65 years old [(Articles in Press)]
Taheri, Hamidreza
The effect of visual occlusion training on the performance of Forehand Drive in unskilled Table Tennis players [Volume 15, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 31-46]
Taheri, Hamidreza
Effect of physical and mental practice on variability of movement coordination and smoothness [(Articles in Press)]
Taheri, Hamid Reza
Effects of a period of selected training program on the working memory of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 149-162]
Taheri, Hamid Reza
Comparing the Effectiveness of Various Cognitive-Motor Interventions on Dynamic Balance of Elderly Women [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 47-72]
Taheri, Morteza
The effect of IntraProtaneal injection of insulin in lactation period on acquisition and spatial memory of infants [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 173-188]
Taheri, Morteza
The Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor and Attention of Elderly Females [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 153-164]
Taheri Torbati, Hamidreza
The effect of a period balance training and cognitive combination on postural sway women with multiple sclerosis [Volume 8, Issue 23, 2016, Pages 143-156]
Taheri Torbati, Hamidreza
The Effect of Video Modeling and in Vivo Modeling on Acquisition, Retention and Transmission of a Throwing Skill in Children with Autism [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 35-48]
Taheri Torbati, Hamidreza
The Effect of Individual, Group and Cooperative Special Practices on the Cognitive and Social Function of Children Aged 9-12 Years with Development Coordination Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 177-194]
Taheri Torbati, Hamidreza
Effect of Sleep Deprivation Before Physical, Mental, Observational and Combined Training on the Acquisition and Retention of Badminton Short Service Skills [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 149-164]
Taheri Torbati, Hamid Reza
The Effect of Rhythmic Visual Stimulation on Kinematics Parameters of Gait in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 35-48]
Taheri Torbati, Hamid Reza
The Effect of Virtual Reality Training on Motor Imagery Capability of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 39-64]
Tahmasebi, Farshid
The Effects of Model Skill Level on Mu Rhythm Suppression in Basketball Lay- up Shot [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 141-154]
Tahmasebi, Farshid
The Effects of Neurofeedback Training with a Focus on Handedness on Learning of Dart Throwing Skill [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 109-128]
Tahmasebi Boroojeni, Shahzad
Determination of factorial validity and reliability of persian version of test of performance strategies-2 (TOPS-2) [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 15-42]
Tahmasebi Boroujen, Shahzad
The Effect Type of Attentional Focus and the Frequency of Feedback on Explicit Knowledge and the Learning of Basketball Free Throwing [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2019, Pages 85-102]
Tahmasebi Boroujeni, Shahzad
Application of challenge point framework to improve the mobility in patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 167-182]
Tahmasebi Boroujeni, Shahzad
Effect of Nested Task Constraints on Movement Velocity, Throwing Velocity and Accuracy in Elite Handball Players [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 97-112]
Tahmasebi Boroujeni, Shahzad
Effect of Task Constraints on Coordination Variability in Missed and Successful Trails of Chip Pass [Volume 11, Issue 38, 2020, Pages 97-114]
Tahmasebi Boroujeni, Shahzad
The Effect of External and Internal Focus of Attention on Electromyography of the Lower Extremity Muscles in Different Phases of Vertical Jump [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 87-102]
Tahmasebi Boroujeni, Shahzad
Investigating the Relationship between Feed-Forward Postural Control and Constant and Variable Error of Coincident Anticipation Timing Task: Study of Skilled and Novice Table Tennis Players [Volume 15, Issue 51, 2023, Pages 41-66]
Tahmasebi Boroujeni, Shahzad
The Effect of Contextual Interference in implicit and explicit Conditions on motor learning in Slow- Learning Children [Volume 13, Issue 45, 2022, Pages 61-90]
Tahmasebi Boroujeni, Shahzad
The effect of self-control of task difficulty during the early and late practice on motor learning [Volume 15, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 49-68]
Tahmasebi Boroujeni, Shahzad
The effect of metacognitive strategies and play at home (UNICEF Proposed Package) on learning fundamental motor skills in children aged 5 to 8 years in the pandemic of Corona disease [Volume 16, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 55-74]
Tahmasebi Boroujeni, Shahzad
The effects of aerobic training in water and on land on irritability of sensory of type 2 diabetic patients [(Articles in Press)]
Tahmasebi Boroujeni, Shahzad
The influence of focus of attention types on anticipatory motor planning and its relation to executive function in people with MS [(Articles in Press)]
Tahmasebi Boroujeni, Shahzad
The effect of quiet eye training on fixation of gaze in learning interceptive task of 10-12-year-old children [(Articles in Press)]
Tahmasebi Brojeni, Shahzad
The Effect of Spectator – induced Arousal on Depth Perception and Spatial Memory in Female Student Athletes [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 121-138]
Tahmasebi Broojeni, Shahrzad
The effect of exercise during pregnancy on health indexes of infants [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 71-84]
Talebi, Elaheh
Effects of selected aerobic activities on body self-concept of women with breast cancer undergoing radiotherapy post mastectomy [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 163-176]
Talebi, Elaheh
Effects of Different Variations of Physical Practice and Mental Imagery on Shoulder Joint Degree of Freedom (range of motion) of Women with Breast Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy Post Radical Mastectomy [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 153-172]
Talebi, Elham
Effects of selected aerobic activities on body self-concept of women with breast cancer undergoing radiotherapy post mastectomy [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 163-176]
Talebi, Elham
Effects of Different Variations of Physical Practice and Mental Imagery on Shoulder Joint Degree of Freedom (range of motion) of Women with Breast Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy Post Radical Mastectomy [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 153-172]
Talebi, Rohollah
The Relationship of Force Control and Adjustment of Dominant hand’s Angle to selected Psychological Traits in Athlete and Non-athlete Students [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2017, Pages 53-72]
Talebi, Roohollah
The effect of different level of activation on control the power generation of dominant leg of elite Taekwondo athletes [Volume 6, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 47-58]
Talebi, Roohollah
Effect of manipulated of the distance and width of target on learning in basketball free threw: according to index of difficulty [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 33-50]
Talebpoor, Fahimeh
The Effect of a Period of Selected Exercises Over Soft and Hard Surfaces on the Static Balance of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2020, Pages 55-80]
Tilp, Markus
Effect of central and peripheral muscle fatigue contribution after ankle submaximal fatiguing contractions on muscle synergies and postural control [Volume 15, Issue 51, 2023, Pages 67-90]
Tojari, Farshad
Comparison of the Effects of Cognitive Rehabilitation and Purposeful -Movement Plays on Cognitive Flexibility and Motor Coordination among Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [(Articles in Press)]
Vaez Mmousavi, Seyed Mohamad Kazem
The Effect of Skilled and Learning Model on Accuracy and Dynamic Characteristics Acquisition of Basketball Free Throw Skill [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 53-70]
Vaez Moosavi, Seyed Mohamad Kazem
Interaction Between Individual, Environment and Task in Motor Learning: The Effects of Competitive Atmosphere and Mental Toughness in Learning Two Simple and Complex Sport Skills [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 85-104]
Vaez Moosavi, Seyed Mohammad Kazem
The Effect of Skill level and Conditions’ Predictability on Taekwondo Players’ Timing [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 47-60]
Vaez Moosavi, Seyed Mohammad Kazem
The Effect of Functional Training on the Number of Movement Units of Reaching to Objects with Different Shapes and Sizes in a 6-year-old Girl with Down Syndrome [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 137-152]
Vaez Moosavi, Seyed Mohammad Kazem
The Comparison of Visual Skills between Expert and Novice Basketball Referees [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 17-32]
Vaezmousavi, Mohammad
The effect of training representative tasks on perceptual-cognitive skills: Identifying involved mental processes [Volume 15, Issue 51, 2023, Pages 17-40]
VaezMousavi, Mohammad
Introducing the Sport Success Scale (SSS) [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 123-142]
VaezMousavi, Mohammad
The Relationship between Mother's Emotional Intelligence and Motor Development of Children: Structure Modeling with Intermediation of Mother's Physical Activity [Volume 14, Issue 47, 2022, Pages 17-38]
VaezMousavi, Mohammad
The Effects of Skin Conductance Biofeedback on Elite Shooters’ Performance [Volume 14, Issue 48, 2022, Pages 109-136]
Vaez Mousavi, Mohammad Kazem
Visual Search and Decision making accuracy of expert and novice Basketball referees [Volume 7, Issue 21, 2015, Pages 65-76]
Vaez Mousavi, Seyed Mohammad Kazem
Effect of Novice, Expert and Mixed Observational Models on Cognitive- Motor Task Learning [Volume 10, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 35-50]
Vaez Mousavi, Seyed Mohammad Kazem
Comparison of the Efficacy of Instructor-Based and Parent-Based Interventions on Social Development, Emotional Development and Cognitive Development in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 121-148]
Vaez Mousavi, Seyyed Mohammad Kazem
Learning Outcomes of Hybrid Pedagogies in the Context of Physical Education: A Systematic Review [(Articles in Press)]
Vaez Mousavi, Seyyed Mohammad Kazem
Outcomes of Linear and Non-Linear Pedagogy in Learning Sport and Motor Skills: A Systematic Review [Volume 16, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 75-108]
Valizadeh, Adel
Effect of Psycho-Rehabilitation on Perceptual-Motor Proficiency of Children with Down Syndrome [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 113-128]
Vazini Taher, Amir
Cognition, Balance and Gait in Elderly with Dementia: a Motor Cognitive Approach to Reducing Risk of Falling [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 73-94]
Vesalinaseh, Majid
Nature-based Physical Activity: A Semi-Experimental Study of the Effect of Gardening Activities on Children’s Perceptual-Motor development and drawing index [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 79-96]
Wangwad, V.S.
The effect of cognitive attentional focus instructions on Muscle Efficiency and Motor Performance of Skilled Individuals [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 61-78]
Yaali, Rasoul
The Relationship between Fear of Falling, Anxiety, Functional Mobility and Balance in Nursing-Home Older Adults [Volume 9, Issue 29, 2017, Pages 135-148]
Yaali, Rasoul
The Relationship between IQ and Emotional Intelligence with Motor Proficiency in Boys’ 10-14-Year-Old in Tehran [Volume 10, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 65-78]
Yaali, Rasoul
The effect of Eight Weeks Aerobic Rhythmic Exercises with Music on Motor Proficiency, Anxiety and Depression in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2018, Pages 57-70]
Yaali, Rasoul
Effect of Aerobic Rhythmic Exercises with Music on Emotional Intelligence and Motor Proficiency in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 53-66]
Yaali, Rasoul
Comparison of the Effect of Nonlinear Pedagogy on Emergence of Coordination Patterns in Low Badminton Backhand Serve [Volume 12, Issue 39, 2020, Pages 107-124]
Yaali, Rasoul
Investigating the role of motor learning strategies on improving team creativity in beginner soccer’s [(Articles in Press)]
Yaali, Rasoul
The effect of six weeks of linear pedagogy on the kinematics pattern of walking in 3-5 years old children [Volume 14, Issue 49, 2022, Pages 37-58]
Yaali, Rasoul
The effect of differential Education approach and attention instructions on futsal shoot retention and transfer [Volume 15, Issue 52, 2023, Pages 101-126]
Yadolahzadeh, Ahdiyeh
The effect of autonomy support on learning overhand throw in elementary school students [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 119-132]
Yousefi, Mohammad
The effect of focus of attention via verbal instructions on quickness of elite athletes [Volume 8, Issue 24, 2016, Pages 39-52]
Zahedi, Hamid
The effects of associative and dissociative focus of attention and level of skill in tennis service of volleyball under psychological pressure [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 105-118]
Zahiri, Masoud
Application of challenge point framework to improve the mobility in patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 167-182]
Zamani, Mahsa
The Effects of Observational and Physical Practices on Electromyography Characteristics of Main Active Muscles in Badminton High Serve [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 173-187]
Zamanian, Faezeh
Nature-based Physical Activity: A Semi-Experimental Study of the Effect of Gardening Activities on Children’s Perceptual-Motor development and drawing index [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 79-96]
Zamanifard, Niloufar
The effect of sports vision training on decision making, gaze behavior and learning tennis serve skill [(Articles in Press)]
Zamani Sani, hojjat
The effect of Equine therapy on social indicators, communication and stereotyped behaviors of children with autism spectrum disorder [(Articles in Press)]
Zamani Sani, Seyed Hojjat
The Effect of Play in Natural Outdoor and Indoor Space on the Social and Perceptual Development of Preschool Children [Volume 12, Issue 40, 2020, Pages 103-120]
Zamani Sani, Seyed Hojjat
Could neonatal health indicators and parent’s socioeconomic status predict motor development and visual perception in children? [Volume 15, Issue 51, 2023, Pages 115-138]
Zameni Motlagh, Mehdi
Effects of cognitive training on freezing of gait and some of its cognitive functions on old parkinson disease patients [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2016, Pages 87-108]
Zanganeh, Azadeh
The Effect of Dual Task, Single Task, and Combined Task on Older Adults’ Gait, with or without the Experience of Falling [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 61-82]
Zaree, Javad
The Effect of Individual, Group and Cooperative Special Practices on the Cognitive and Social Function of Children Aged 9-12 Years with Development Coordination Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 31, 2018, Pages 177-194]
Zarei, Arash
Does Experience Can Mediate the Relationship between Verbal Tactical Knowledge and Tactical Behavior in Soccer School Players? [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2020, Pages 161-186]
Zareian, Ehsan
The effect of eight weeks aerobic exercise on social interaction in children with mentally disable [Volume 7, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 65-78]
Zareian, Ehsan
The Effect of Spectator – induced Arousal on Depth Perception and Spatial Memory in Female Student Athletes [Volume 8, Issue 25, 2016, Pages 121-138]
Zareian, Ehsan
The Effect of Exercise Positional Arrangement (Individual, Dyad, Group) on Acquisition and Retention of Rope-Jumping Skills in School Children [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2017, Pages 153-166]
Zareian, Ehsan
The Relative Contribution of Core Executive Functions in Shooting Performance Prediction [Volume 12, Issue 41, 2020, Pages 39-54]
Zarezade, Mahshid
The Effect of External Attentional Focus Instructions on Learning Tracking Task under Auditory Secondary Task Condition [Volume 8, Issue 26, 2017, Pages 73-88]
Zare Zadeh, Mahshid
Comparison of Visual Impairments and Motor Problems between Children 3-7 Age Preterm and Term [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 87-106]
Zarghami, Mehdi
Differences related to the distance effects of external focus of attention on static balance of the patients with multiple sclerosis [Volume 6, Issue 17, 2014, Pages 205-218]
Zeidabadi, Rasool
Mental Fatigue Impair the Effect of Feedback to Successful Trials in Motor Learning [Volume 11, Issue 37, 2019, Pages 135-150]
Ziaee, Khatere
The effect of individual and group games on Social skills and Self-efficacy in children with developmental coordination disorder [(Articles in Press)]
Zivari, Fatemeh
The Effect of Model’s Skill Level and Frequency of Feedback on Learning a Simple Serial Aiming Task [Volume 11, Issue 36, 2019, Pages 17-34]